About the Adviser Pulse questionnaire
Are you interested in what your industry thinks about its future and the impact of the latest tax proposals? Is your investment outlook radically different to others?
Can “independents” survive in a regulated environment?
If you are interested to learn more about what your industry thinks about this and other issues, then you should take just 5 minutes to complete the “Good Returns & The Investment Store’s Adviser Pulse Survey”.
What is Adviser Pulse?
Adviser Pulse is a regular quarterly survey on the opinions of professional financial intermediaries.
Its objective is to track the trends and shifting views of the professional advisers, be it about topical issues such as changes in adviser legislation and taxation, or simply changes in the outlook for certain asset classes, and then to publish them to regular subscribers. Unlike many similar surveys, Adviser Pulse is very simple and will take less than 5 minutes to complete.
The benefits of taking part in this regular survey are as follows:
· You will have exclusive access to the results on an ongoing basis
· It will help you to better understand the nature of the industry, your peers and indeed your competitors
· It will provide valuable insight that you can share with your clients
So what’s involved?
Simply click on the link below and then follow the simple instructions. This includes entering your email details and then answering 21 questions on your views of investment markets and the industry.
The findings will be published a few days after the close off date. Whilst a general article will be published in Good Returns, only participants in the survey will receive a detailed summary of the results. The survey, your participation and your answers are of course totally confidential.
To complete the survey, click here.
How does it work?
Each quarter, we will invite you to complete a short (5 minute questionnaire) online. The survey will ask for your opinions on the outlook for financial markets and some of the key issues that you, your business, your clients and the industry as a whole faces. We will publish a summary of these issues to the industry (via Good Returns and ASSET Magazine). In addition, and where appropriate, we will look to promote the views of the industry (taken from the survey) through other avenues such as other industry bodies and the press. Any information we receive and publish will be done on a strictly anonymous basis only.
In addition, contributors of the service will have access to a more in-depth review of the quarterly results.
In addition, contributors of the service will have access to a more in-depth review of the quarterly results.
To participate in the inaugural survey and to have your say, please click on the link below.
To complete the survey, click here.
or cut and paste this link into your browser:

The survey closes 17th February 2008. |