In total 52 groups and organisations made submissions, ranging from individuals through to financial services companies and organisations including unions, the Business Round Table and Grey Power.
Arkinstall says he is “well pleased” with the number of submissions and the quality.
Currently the group is meeting with submitters who asked to present their ideas to the PRG.
Arkinstall says the PRG, which is due to report to the government by the end of the year, has a number of projects underway at the moment.
"It’s really now into full stride," Arkinstall says.
Despite a reasonable number of submissions, it appears just four financial services companies, AMP, AXA, BT Funds Management and Sovereign had a say.
SuperTalk will provide a synopsis on some of the key issues raised in the submissions early next week.
The PRG is established by the government every six years to report on how well the retirement income system is working. This year it has a strong focus on work place superannuation.
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