Liontamer launches new MONEY fund

Specialist fund manager Liontamer has launched a fund which has been described as "coming close to the holy trinity of an investment."

Tuesday, September 14th 2004, 7:45AM

Following the success of its first capital protected income-based fund, Liontamer has launched its second series complete with refinements.

The MONEYfund is designed to compete with more traditional forms of fixed interest such as secured debentures.

It is a closed end vehicle with a five-year term and it has two forms of units.

The first type of units are called “income units”. The objective of these units is to deliver a full return of capital, together with a yearly income of up to 7%.

At maturity, any amount remaining in the fund, including additional gains above the 7% income, is paid as a further return.

The new feature of this fund is the “Accumulation units” which are forecast to give investors a 119% target return over 5 years – which equates to 17% pa.

More information

Research report CLICK HERE
Fund fact sheet CLICK HERE
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