Morningstar KiwiSaver Performance Survey

Returns to 31 December 2010  

Monday, February 7th 2011, 6:00AM
Default Options 3-month
AMP Default Fund 1.86 4.17 4.63 5.55 3.97
ASB Scheme's Cnsrv (Default) 0.54 3.93 5.69 6.04 4.72
AXA Income Plus (Default) 1.00 4.40 6.22 8.46 4.44
Mercer Conservative (Default) 0.62 2.69 6.34 10.10 5.34
OnePath Conservative (Default) 0.49 3.90 6.06 6.18 4.84
TOWER Cash Enhanced (Default) 1.03 3.31 5.04 6.34 4.32
Peer Group Averages 3-month
Default Options 0.92 3.73 5.66 7.11 4.60
Conservative 0.81 3.84 5.63 6.95 4.65
Moderate 1.32 5.35 6.06 8.55 3.40
Balanced 2.40 7.12 6.01 9.95 1.92
Growth 3.20 8.80 6.19 11.06 -0.11
Aggressive 4.26 10.64 6.25 14.16 -0.49
Multisector Options          
Conservative 3-month
AMP Default Fund 1.86 4.17 4.63 5.55 3.97
ANZ - Conservative Fund 0.59 3.86 5.95 6.24 4.83
Aon Russell Lifepoints Cnsrv 0.68 5.07 9.93 13.77 6.25
ASB Scheme's Cnsrv (Default) 0.54 3.93 5.69 6.04 4.72
AXA Income Plus (Default) 1.00 4.40 6.22 8.46 4.44
FC Scheme's Tracker Cnsrv 0.54 3.92 5.65 6.02 4.67
Fidelity Capital Guarant Kiwi 0.58 2.92 4.39 4.66 --
Fidelity Conservative Kiwi Fd 0.65 4.71 6.31 6.76 4.90
Fisher Funds Conservative Fund 0.64 2.88 2.89 -- --
Mercer Conservative (Default) 0.62 2.69 6.34 10.10 5.34
National Bank - Conserv 0.58 3.86 5.94 6.30 4.88
OnePath Conservative (Default) 0.49 3.90 6.06 6.18 4.84
SIL Conservative 0.60 3.91 6.04 6.37 5.03
Smartshares Conservative 1.78 4.05 3.32 4.57 2.21
TOWER Cash Enhanced (Default) 1.03 3.31 5.04 6.34 4.32
Average 0.81 3.84 5.63 6.95 4.65
Moderate 3-month
AMP LS Conservative Fund 1.21 4.39 5.51 5.61 5.31
AMP LS Moderate Fund 2.17 5.91 5.75 6.71 3.07
ANZ - Conservative Bal 1.51 5.72 6.55 7.91 3.67
Aon Russell Lifepoints 2015 1.72 6.49 10.04 15.22 4.60
Aon Russell Lifepoints Mod 2.42 7.41 10.17 15.76 3.96
ASB Scheme's Moderate 1.36 6.52 7.16 8.43 3.12
AXA Conservative 1.16 5.12 6.62 8.87 --
FC Scheme's Active Cnsrv 0.77 4.58 5.21 8.07 3.44
FC Scheme's Tracker Moderat 1.36 6.52 7.12 8.42 2.85
Grosvenor Conservative Fund -0.53 2.38 4.96 6.09 3.91
Huljich Conservative Divers Fd 0.21 1.36 -2.56 4.50 --
Mercer Super Trust Conserv 1.10 3.51 6.33 10.58 3.82
National Bank - Conserv Bal Fd 1.52 5.75 6.60 7.92 3.66
OnePath Conservative Balanced 1.29 5.59 6.12 7.10 3.31
SIL Conservative Balanced 1.53 5.76 6.76 8.18 3.89
Smartshares Balanced 2.66 11.00 4.29 9.35 -1.82
TOWER Conservative 0.80 3.95 7.02 8.81 3.99
Westpac Conservative Fund 1.47 4.41 5.44 6.35 3.70
Average 1.32 5.35 6.06 8.55 3.40
Balanced 3-month
AMP LS Balanced Fund 3.55 8.45 6.19 8.67 0.90
AMP LS Moderate Balanced Fund 3.15 7.47 6.02 7.83 1.55
AMP TOWER Balanced Fund 2.74 6.46 7.96 10.33 2.23
ANZ - Balanced Fund 2.35 7.41 6.94 9.41 2.39
Aon OnePath Balanced 3.29 8.75 9.29 15.24 4.01
Aon Russell Lifepoints 2025 3.48 8.81 10.28 16.80 1.88
Aon Russell Lifepoints Bal 4.24 9.98 10.39 17.58 1.21
ASB Scheme's Balanced 2.49 9.08 7.62 10.17 0.97
AXA Balanced 3.32 9.68 7.05 12.94 0.88
Brook Professional Balanced Fd 1.86 5.31 1.53 5.77 3.78
FC Scheme's Active Balanced 1.94 7.56 5.42 9.88 0.32
FC Scheme's Tracker Balancd 2.49 9.07 7.57 10.17 0.79
Fidelity Balanced Kiwi Fund 1.51 6.61 5.70 7.17 4.40
Fidelity Ethical Kiwi 1.39 6.57 5.34 8.39 --
Forsyth Barr Balanced Port 2.06 4.41 1.22 5.95 --
Grosvenor Balanced Fund 0.20 4.02 3.94 7.35 2.23
Huljich Balanced Diversified  -0.08 0.90 -6.00 4.47 --
Mercer Balanced 2.57 7.16 7.38 13.51 0.70
Mercer Super Trust Moderate 2.07 6.06 6.72 11.65 2.05
Milford Balanced 2.62 6.84 -- -- --
National Bank - Bal 2.37 7.43 6.99 9.41 2.42
OnePath Balanced 2.12 7.28 6.17 8.03 1.51
SIL Balanced 2.39 7.43 7.06 9.63 2.64
TOWER Balanced 2.26 7.04 7.68 9.94 1.95
Westpac Balanced Fund 3.72 8.22 5.84 8.60 1.56
Average 2.40 7.12 6.01 9.95 1.92
Growth 3-month
AMP LS Growth Fund 5.15 10.62 6.59 10.07 -2.02
AMP OnePath Balanced Plus Fund 3.63 8.42 7.54 11.85 2.07
AMP Tyndall Balanced Fund 1.90 5.89 6.53 10.16 0.08
ANZ - Balanced Gth Fund 3.24 9.08 7.36 10.90 0.96
ANZ - Growth Fund 4.12 10.79 7.52 12.33 -0.62
Aon Russell Lifepoints 2035 4.94 10.78 10.41 17.87 -0.24
Aon Russell Lifepoints Growth 5.39 11.40 10.44 18.29 -0.72
Aon Tyndall Balanced 1.59 6.24 6.48 10.26 1.65
ASB Scheme's Growth 3.70 11.62 7.73 11.58 -1.26
FC Scheme's Active Growth 2.80 9.64 4.95 10.80 -1.43
FC Scheme's Tracker Growth 3.71 11.62 7.70 11.59 -1.54
Fidelity Growth Kiwi Fund 2.39 8.67 5.43 7.87 2.30
Forsyth Barr Growth Portfolio 3.20 6.11 0.15 6.77 --
Grosvenor Balanced Growth 0.85 5.88 -- -- --
Huljich Growth Diversified Fd -0.13 0.68 -9.53 3.56 --
Mercer Super Trust Active Bal 2.52 7.12 7.20 13.10 0.64
Mercer Super Trust Growth 3.17 8.60 7.01 13.22 -0.95
National Bank - Bal Gth Fund 3.27 9.12 7.42 10.92 0.93
National Bank - Gth Fd 4.13 10.78 7.57 12.22 -0.69
OnePath Balanced Growth 2.96 8.92 5.99 8.89 -0.28
OnePath Growth 3.87 10.69 5.79 9.63 -2.06
SIL Balanced Growth 3.27 9.15 7.35 11.12 1.19
SIL Growth Fund 4.16 10.85 7.66 12.62 -0.40
Staples Rodway Balanced 3.53 10.05 7.76 10.34 --
Staples Rodway Growth 1.33 6.44 6.17 11.14 --
Westpac Growth Fund 4.51 9.59 5.64 9.47 0.17
Average 3.20 8.80 6.19 11.06 -0.11
Aggressive 3-month
AMP LS Aggressive Fund 6.16 12.24 6.79 11.09 -3.62
Aon Russell Lifepoints 2045 6.29 12.64 10.57 19.08 -2.51
AXA Growth 5.15 12.98 6.80 14.71 -1.81
Brook Professional Growth Fund 2.94 8.27 1.37 8.62 4.76
Fidelity Aggressive Kiwi Fund 2.93 9.61 6.96 14.14 2.48
Fisher Funds Growth Fund 4.57 14.55 10.68 27.89 5.51
Grosvenor Geared Growth Fund 1.47 6.90 3.25 -- --
Grosvenor High Growth Fund 1.60 6.97 2.79 8.27 -2.93
Mercer High Growth 4.15 10.95 7.83 14.78 -2.71
Mercer Super Trust High Growth 4.07 10.82 7.45 14.09 -2.86
TOWER Growth 3.83 9.57 8.18 12.79 -1.23
Westpac Capital Protect Plan 1 6.09 11.43 4.32 10.29 --
Westpac Capital Protect Plan 2 6.09 11.42 4.29 -- --
Average 4.26 10.64 6.25 14.16 -0.49
Single Sector Options          
Cash 3-month
AMP Cash Fund 0.90 1.79 3.37 3.51 5.14
ANZ Cash Fund 0.64 1.25 2.24 2.47 --
Aon OnePath Cash 0.83 1.56 2.85 2.80 4.43
Aon Tyndall Cash 0.95 1.75 3.55 3.60 5.18
ASB Scheme's NZ Bank Deposit 0.71 1.41 2.61 2.78 4.64
AXA Cash 0.74 1.50 2.91 3.32 4.44
FC Scheme's NZ Cash 0.71 1.40 2.58 2.76 4.61
Grosvenor Enhanced Income Fund 0.82 1.86 3.70 3.49 5.54
Mercer Cash 1.09 2.16 4.58 4.24 5.63
Mercer Super Trust Cash 1.01 2.04 4.58 4.18 5.58
National Bank - Cash Fd 0.64 1.25 2.26 2.49 --
OnePath Cash Fund 0.67 1.33 2.48 2.75 4.74
SIL Cash Fund 0.54 1.07 1.93 2.18 4.18
Staples Rodway Conservative 0.97 1.80 3.69 2.91 --
TOWER Preservation 0.76 1.58 3.03 3.30 4.95
Westpac Cash Fund 0.79 1.56 2.88 3.15 4.04
Fixed Income 3-month
Mercer Super Trust Fixed Intr -1.34 -0.96 6.78 11.80 8.53
SIL International Fixed Int -1.72 1.16 5.69 4.09 7.80
SIL New Zealand Fixed Interest -0.47 2.03 8.02 5.58 5.88
Property 3-month
Mercer Super Trust Real Assets 3.67 7.25 6.44 16.98 -5.25
SIL Australasian Property 3.33 11.74 3.12 8.91 -4.36
SIL International Property 7.67 21.40 23.33 24.24 -4.79
Australasian Equity 3-month
Aon Milford 2.66 7.28 6.14 -- --
Grosvenor Socially Responsible 1.83 9.41 -- -- --
Grosvenor Trs-Tasm Sm Coms Shr 4.59 24.72 -- -- --
Mercer Super Trust Shares 4.98 14.07 7.31 14.07 -4.89
Mercer Super Trust TransTasman 4.49 10.13 2.50 11.88 -3.87
Milford Aggressive 2.66 7.28 6.13 13.78 9.74
SIL Australasian Share 4.68 9.99 1.61 10.48 -4.58
Smartshares Growth 3.25 16.67 3.86 12.59 -6.39
International Equity 3-month
FC Scheme's Active High Growth 4.03 11.45 4.52 9.00 --
FC Scheme's Global Sustain 4.39 10.36 8.47 13.09 --
Grosvenor International Share 0.92 6.44 -- -- --
Mercer Super Trust Global 5.17 15.60 9.18 14.45 -5.77
SIL International Share 2.26 8.50 5.19 7.68 -2.92
SIL Sustainable Growth Fund 1.01 6.74 1.94 4.84 --
TOWER Equity 7.07 14.22 9.70 14.23 -4.56
Miscellaneous 3-month
Fidelity Options Kiwi Fund 2.58 5.39 9.21 23.15 11.59


(NB: Returns are before tax and after the fees deducted from the funds unit price.)



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