Partners wins PAA gong

Partners Life was named insurer of the year by members of the Professional Advisers Association at its conference in Auckland on Friday night.

Monday, May 20th 2013, 6:00AM 9 Comments

by Susan Edmunds

The move was a surprise to some conference attendees as the firm has been in the spotlight over concerns about what its recent redundancies might mean for its financial health and its reliance on reinsurance funding, which the Reserve Bank has in its sights.

PAA chief executive Peter Leitch said the win did not mean the organisation was endorsing the insurer as a provider of choice.

He said the decision was made on the results of a survey to members, which asked about their experiences with the support they received and the quality of products offered. “We wanted to recognise our members were saying these providers are doing things right.”

Lender of the year was ASB and KiwiSaver/Investment provider of the year was Fidelity Life.

About 400 advisers attended the two-day conference, which Leitch said was a complete success.

“There were lots of very positive comments from people who said they’d had tremendous value out of it. In the words of Al Brown, the key thing is to be able to take the recipe, add to it and pass it on. That’s what we want, for people to go away with ideas to use in their business.”

Brown, a celebrity chef, was one of the conference’s keynote speakers.

It was announced at the gala awards and dinner event on Friday that Leitch is to stand down as chairman. He will be replaced by Bruce Cortesi, who is currently the chairman of the Bay/Waikato PAA region.

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Comments from our readers

On 22 May 2013 at 6:29 am Vinnie said:
I have to say I find the silence deafening. I would have thought that after all the comments a week or so ago about Partners Life making some folks redundant and the potential impact of forthcoming regulatory changes to be implemented by the RBNZ there would have been some response to this article.

Is this not the same conference primarily sponsored by One Path - seems a little incongruous to me?
On 22 May 2013 at 10:56 am Observation said:
@vinnie – agree with you here. Perhaps this is a case of good news being yesterday’s chip wrapper as it doesn’t make good reading as it is a good news story. Not one that can be twisted by self-interested parties.

I understand that Sovereign have been the main sponsor of the PAA for many years now.
On 22 May 2013 at 11:53 am Amused said:
Agree with Vinnie & Observation. Personally I am having trouble understanding Peter Leitch's comment about the PAA not endorsing Partners Life as a provider of choice. Clearly members have themselves spoken by voting for Partners.
On 22 May 2013 at 12:46 pm Get real said:
400 attendees, usually 120 Company folk.. so possibly 28 Advisers. Not all would vote... the outcome is hardly significant and means little.. the PAA should not endorse. Would be like the IFA endorsing Hanover or another investment company with similar credit rating years ago.
On 22 May 2013 at 2:38 pm Krishna Mountee said:
Commentators, plenty of other great (and more deserving) awards during the night, congratulations to Dean Young as adviser of the year, and to Sovereign as having best BDM force of the year.
On 22 May 2013 at 5:49 pm Informed said:
In response to Amused, will someone from the PAA blog a reply as to why the former Chairman of the PAA feels uncomfortable endorsing Partners? Waiting...
On 22 May 2013 at 8:03 pm billy the broker said:
Partners and the PAA...well that has the recipe for some interesting opinions....I made my decision with these two ages ago...I'll let you do yours....good luck and good night on this puppy...!!!
On 22 May 2013 at 9:21 pm Ellie Lawerence said:
Krishna - could not agree more with your comments.

Great to see Dean getting the rewards he deserves - and also to the Sov BDM's.

I have to say my Sov BDM is a great compliment to my business and she adds a huge amount of added tangible benefits, not all the other BDM's can do that.
On 22 May 2013 at 9:27 pm Tommy H said:
Well done Partners Life team! It is fantastic to see your efforts recognized!

This proves what we all already knew; most of us support you! Also, Its great to finally have some silence from the outspoken nobody's who anonymously post negative rubbish on this website.

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