by Susan Edmunds
Advertisements encouraging people to check whether they could save money by switching electricity providers have been very successful.
It prompted 28% more people to switch to another electricity company during the course of the campaign.
As part of a consultation on increasing competition, the commission said there might be similar scope for intervention in KiwiSaver funds management.
"Given that about two million New Zealanders participate in KiwiSaver ... greater competitive pressure in the funds management sector has potential to generate significant benefits for New Zealand investors."
It said this would be made easier by the new periodic reporting requirements.
"Given that there are 50 different KiwiSaver schemes, there may be scope to further increase transparency by collating disclosure information in a single easily accessible location, which -also provides information about how consumers can switch provider. Once the disclosure information is available, this task may well be performed by a private organisation. If that doesn’t occur then there might be a role for government."
But Chapman Tripp partner Mike Woodbury said KiwiSaver was not a fungible commodity like electricity where the cheapest option was by definition the best.
He said funds that did stock selection or had a particular investment strategy could be done a disservice.
Submissions close next week and Woodbury said KiwiSaver providers that focused on growth should offer their perspective.
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