by The Landlord
Smartphones have become an integral part of our lives over recent years.
And now smart landlords are making the most of these exceptional gadgets to streamline the business of property investment.
There are a wide range of different apps for property investors out there.
So, to help investors cut straight to the chase with the best apps, NZ Property Investor magazine has investigated the options.
The results of that investigation are featured in the July issue of the magazine.
Useful apps for tenancy management, financial and property management, property finding, property evaluation, renovation and inspections tools are covered.
But here are NZ Property Investor's top 10 apps for property investors:
And the recently launched:
The NZ Property Investor app makes it easy for property investors to access the magazine when they are on the go.
Users can view the magazine as either a digital lookalike of the print version or they can view a mobile-friendly version of each article.
The NZ Property Investor app can be found in the Apple App store and on Google Play.
Anyone who downloads the app and purchases a subscription through it will get a 30 day free trial period.
Download the app or purchase the digital edition here to read the full article about good apps for smart landlords.
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