by Miriam Bell
Submissions on the Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill, which makes a number of amendments to the existing legislation, are due in on Wednesday, January 27.
The most controversial of these amendments are the proposed insulation and smoke alarm requirements which will be mandatory for all rental properties.
Building and Housing Minister Nick Smith said the Bill aims to make homes warmer, drier and safer for the million New Zealanders who live in rental accommodation, without imposing excessive costs on landlords.
While the Bill is supported by most, the Labour Party, the Green Party, tenant advocates and some academics don’t believe it goes far enough.
Rather they think a Warrant of Fitness (WOF) for all rental properties should be introduced by the government.
However, the NZ Property Investors’ Federation thinks the government is on the right track with its proposed insulation and smoke alarm requirements.
The costs of a comprehensive WOF for all rental properties would simply lead to increased rental prices, the NZPIF has said.
Consultation on the proposed regulations is currently taking place and is scheduled to conclude on February 11.
The consultation aims to clarify the details regarding the quantity of insulation and number of smoke alarms required, as well as the circumstances a property can be excluded from the requirements.
The discussion document can be read here, and submissions on the Bill and its proposals can be made here.
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