The willful ignorance of a miopic point of view

Sounds angry and somewhat is. It comes from constantly being told that commission-based sales people, especially life insurance advisers, are bottom-feeding scum of the earth.

Tuesday, September 10th 2019, 12:39PM 3 Comments

by Jon-Paul Hale

The reality, if anyone wants to have a closer look, is quite the opposite. In today's parlay of instant-now consumerism, we're dinosaurs that won't adapt.

Well frankly we're adapting, and have been for a long time. You only need to talk to Russell of QPR or Graeme of Strategy for any length of time to tell you product has moved greatly in the last 20 years.

So what's got my blood boiling?

The constant: we're sales people, we don't care, and we don't help. Well that may explain some sales people. But on the whole not the majority of the insurance industry.

To be fair I have spent most of my time with life and medical advisers, not so much general. The key message I had from my advisers as a BDM was "what can I do to help my client?”

And help we do.

A few examples:

With the exception of one of these clients I got paid $0 directly for this work. Sure some are prior clients that I got paid commission for and there is renewals. But at the end of the day it doesn't matter how I got paid. It is the client outcome that really matters.

And you can bet your bottom dollar, these clients didn't care how I got paid, just that I did. Many of them it was a case of introduce me to five friends and family. Which they all did anyway. They want their people looked after in the same way.

This isn't just an advert for me, this is a philosophy I have.

We help people when they need it the most. We don't have all the answers but we'll try and find them.

And all of you out there, who work in the same space, have your own stories just like these.

They need to be told. Tell them.

Tell them here, tell them everywhere.

Tags: ACC health insurance insurance Insurance Advisers Jon-Paul Hale Life insurance

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Comments from our readers

On 13 September 2019 at 12:31 pm Tash said:
Good examples of why the Internet is the very worst place to get Life, Disability or Health insurance. No one to help when it really matters!
On 19 September 2019 at 2:15 pm JPHale said:
Tash, I agree with your comment, however, none of these were direct purchasers.

One had employer scheme cover and came to me on that claim, the rest were existing clients in some shape or form.

The issue with ACC is for an injury to be covered under private medical it needs to be declined by ACC first.

And it is in our interests to have ACC pay when they should, as they price for these claims already and an insurer doing the surgery kicks out the weekly compensation entitlement. Critical if they haven't taken income protection or have an exclusion.

Secondly if the surgery is paid for by the insurer when ACC should have paid it puts unnecessary pressure on the insurers premiums. Something all client's hate to see.

That's said, many advisers help hugely at claim time, just like this. But no one hears about it.
On 22 October 2020 at 5:20 pm JPHale said:
12 months down the track, crickets...

And we wonder why we are not taken seriously...

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