Latest life insurance news
18 September, 2018 Follow us on FacebookFollow the latest tweets on Twitter

LifeDirect: Advisers should take over

Direct-to-market offers such as LifeDirect can help to improve the number of New Zealanders with insurance, but ongoing servicing should be done by advisers, Trade Me’s head of insurance says.


Former Generate man taps into new service for advisers

Former Generate KiwiSaver business development manager Ryan Edwards is heading up a new group whose core focus is to provide administration support to advisers.

[The Wrap] Once FSLAB's laid new game starts

The new game for financial advisers is getting closer by the week and don't be surprised if the Financial Services Legislation Amendment Bill (FSLAB) becomes law before too long. It was interesting this week watching MPs debate the bill and which ones knew what they were talking about. When the law does get passed don't be surprised to see a bit of a land grab by dealer groups.

Asteron, Fidelity and Partners in running for top award

Southern Cross posts first loss since 2014

Southern Cross has slipped from surplus into deficit - but its chairman says that's only part of the story.

AI: Advice's next big disruption

Forget roboadvice, financial advice could be tipped on its head by the sector’s adoption of artificial intelligence technology, moving power from those with the assets to those with the data.

News Bites

Sovereign gets equality nod

Sovereign’s commitment to the professional development of women in the workplace has been recognised at the 2018 White Camellia Awards.


The lost advisers

No, they're not hiding, but they have been left out of much of the general discussion on the regulation changes coming.
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Practice Management

Societal change and changing financial services

Demographic and societal change should be the easiest change to respond to


Plus4 expands in central New Zealand

Plus4 has added a Wellington adviser.

GM appointed to new mortgage group

Long serving Sovereign manager joins insurance dealer group to head up new mortgage business.

Personal Insurance Centre Manager

We are looking to recruit a Personal Insurance Centre Manager; someone who is able to demonstrate significant management experience in the Personal and Business Life Insurance markets.
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Upcoming Events


2nd Annual TMM Better Business Conference

9am to 5pm
This a one-day conference totally dedicated to mortgage advisers.

In case you missed...

ACC 'should cover sickness'

If ACC were to cover sickness and disability as well as accidents it would disrupt, but not destroy, the personal insurance market in New Zealand.

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