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A book for everyone...

We've got a book for everyone this month. From first home buyers who are looking to save a deposit, to the 5 minute MBA for business professionals, to negotiating real estate deals, to a book that will give every woman what they need to achieve the future they dream of.

If you're a keen property investor, did you know that the NZ Property Investors Ferderation are holding their annual conference in October. They've got a great selection of key note speakers lined up including author, Michael Yardney. You can find more information on the conference in the Landlords Events Diary.

Happy reading,
Vicky Powell
Bookstore Manager

NEW titles online now....

A Man is Not a Financial Plan by Joan Baker

In this life-changing book, Joan Baker demystifies the jargon and shows how you can make investment work for you. No matter what your age, if you're in a couple or single, or even if you're a complete investment novice, you can take control of your finances.

Gone are the days of relying on a man for your financial future - after all, it's far too important to leave to anyone else. A Man Is Not a Financial Plan gives every woman the skills and inspiration they need to achieve the future they dream of. [more]

Supremacy Negotiating Real Estate Deals by Phil Jones & David Bradley
This negotiations manual is packed with over 450 tactics to boost your wealth.

Discover the master strategies to:
# Compress deal times
# Smash blockages
# Secure higher profits
# Build relationships faster
# Deploy innovative solutions.

The 5 Minute MBA by Wayne Brown

Get invaluable tips from the nation's number one corporate doctor - Wayne Brown is the man called in when things go wrong in large corporates or institutions.

From this trouble-shooting experience Wayne has distilled ten crucial points vital for everyone at every level of business.

Now you, too, can learn how to bring everyday good health to your business. [more]

Only 104 Weeks to Your Home Deposit by Peter Cerexhe
We all want to own our own home. But no one wants to save forever.

Whether you need $10 000 or $50 000 for that deposit, the trick is to keep the time it takes you to get that money together short so your motivation to keep saving will remain strong.

Peter Cerexhe will show you how you can achieve your goal in only 104 weeks. [more]

Your Kids' Money by Anita Bell

Your Kids’ Money - developed from extensive feedback from students, parents and education professionals - shows you how to educate your children to appreciate the value and uses of money.

Anita looks at all the expenses of raising kids today – from before birth to adulthood - and shows you how to plan and save for their future, while teaching them the essential skills to stand on their own feet when the time comes. [more]


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