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Demand for new tax book phenomenal

As predicted, the book Pay Zero Taxes has been flying out the door - the book has only been available a short time and the publisher has just announced that they have had to arrange a reprint! We still have some stock available - but you'll need to order now to ensure you get a copy to read over the holidays.

It is the season of giving and the team at What Business? have generously offered us FIVE copies of their new sharemarket analysis software to give away to our newsletter readers. Read more about the competition here.

Our special book of the month, is More Money by Noel Whittaker. Noel is one of Australia's most respected financial advisers and this book contains some top tips on how to achieve financial freedom.

Happy reading,
Vicky Powell
Bookstore Manager

This year's bestsellers are...

As 2005 is drawing to a close, we thought we'd reveal this year's bestsellers in the bookstore. Below are the top 10, with the latest release, Pay Zero Taxes entering in at No.5.

Top Ten Titles in 2005


7 Ways to Beat the Market by Martin Hawes
A fresh look at making money from the sharemarket [more]


Wink and Grow Rich by Roger Hamilton
Discover your natural path to wealth [more]


Budget Wise, Dollar Rich by A Nadilo & A Lendnal
Achieve your financial goals through budgeting [more]


Real Estate Investors' Secrets by Graeme Fowler
How 10 New Zealanders became millionaires investing in property.[more]


The Truth About Residential Property Investment
by Duncan Balmer. A must read for all persons considering investing in residential rental property [more]


Pay Zero Taxes by Peter Sibbald
Practical tax strategies that are able to be put into place immediately. [more]


The NZ Property Magazine
'The' monthly magazine written specifically for property investors, landlords and homeowners. [more]


Planning Property Success by Andrew King
Establish your goals for success in property investments. [more]


Residential Property Investment in NZ by Dudson / King. The bible for anyone wanting to know how to make money from owning houses. [more]


Slash Your Taxes by Peter Sibbald
The easiest dollar to make is the one you save, and the easiest dollars to save are the ones you pay the government in taxes. [more]

What Business!
We have FIVE copies of this sharemarket analysing software to give away, each valued at $300. To enter the draw simply click on this link and enter your details.

Investing in business can result in some of the greatest returns on investment, that’s why smart investors are always looking for the right business to invest in for the long-term results.

Using WhatBusiness? software guarantees a more informed decision on long term share market investments in less time than other methods. Decisions can be based on the value of the business behind the share not on its share price fluctuations.

“No one buys shares, they buy businesses.” - Warren Buffet

More details on the software can be found here.

To enter the draw to win one of five copies, visit: http://www.goodreturns.co.nz/winbooks or click here.
Draw closes 8th January and winners will be notified by email.

Place your Christmas orders before
21st December

to reach their destination before Christmas Day.

book deal


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