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New property books

Lots of new titles out in time for Christmas, including one by well-known author and property investor, Steve McKnight. He believes that many homeowners and investors will face the harsh reality of ‘negative equity’ – a situation where their mortgages are higher than the value of their properties.

“People in this situation are caught in a bind”, says McKnight “They’re now paying more each month in interest while their asset’s value is going backwards”

But it’s not all doom and gloom. McKnight says there are a number of pro-active strategies families should implement right now to ensure their financial security. And you can find the answers in McKnight's latest book, From 0 to 260 Properties in 7 years.

Happy reading,

Vicky Powell
Bookstore Manager

NEW titles online now....

From 0 to 260+ Properties in 7 Years by Steve McKnight 
1. Profit From Expert Advice
It makes sense to learn from a trusted and qualified source. Steve McKnight is a qualified chartered accountant with extensive property investing experience. Steve's techniques have been successfully used and applied by tens of thousands of investors.

2. Gain The Investing Edge
The content is completely new! Each chapter contains never-before seen information and insights presented in an entertaining and easy-to-read style.

3. Avoid Making Huge Losses!
Chapter 10 reveals exactly what to do in the event of a property market meltdown. Be prepared by taking action while there's still time.

4. Maximise Your Property Profits
Discover specific and practical strategies, together with relevant examples that reveal how other successful investors are making stacks of money from real estate right now.

The Streetwise Homebuyer by Stephen Hart
Buying a home in New Zealand can be a minefield. Houses for sale without a price, secret reserves, high pressure auctions. It’s easy to end up buying a lemon rather than a peach.
One mistake can cost you thousands. As the saying goes; Let the buyer beware.
Everything is covered - from buying an apartment to building your own home, where to buy to what to buy, making an offer to making a killing.
The Streetwise Homebuyer puts you as the buyer, in charge of the home buying process for a change.

Top Stocks 2007 by Martin Roth

Popular finance author Martin Roth runs the Top 500 Australian companies through an exhaustive selection criteria and subjects each stock to rigorous analysis.
Top Stocks is written for every investor who has ever been overwhelmed by the sheer number of companies listed on the ASX, and perhaps doesn't know just where to start.
The Premium Edition contains a fully searchable CD-Rom.[more]

CFDs- A Traders Guide by John Jefferey
Contracts for difference (CFDs) have grabbed the attention and investment dollars of traders and investors worldwide. This exciting new product, which enables traders to control a number of shares for just a fraction of their share value, has experienced an unprecedented rise in popularity.
Beginners will learn how to get started and experienced traders will discover how to generate greater profits using CFDs. [more]


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