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Debt-busting Mum in NZ recently.

Anita Bell, Australia's favourite debt-busting mum and finance author was in NZ recently.

We had the pleasure of meeting Anita in a series of presentations she gave to three NZ Property Investors' Federation groups. Anita shared some of her best secrets with us, such as how she managed to pay her mortgage off in just THREE years on a modest income. Luckily, Anita's tips and techniques can also be found within her three awesome books; Your Mortgage; Your Money; and Your Investment Property.

We have decided to extend our special combo of Anita's best-selling finance trilogy to our newsletter subscribers as our special Book(s) of the Month. Take advantage of this offer NOW, as we only have limited stock available (remember, they also make fantastic gifts).

Vicky Powell
Bookstore Manager

NEW BOOKS > Just Arrived!

My Property World >> NEW from Bob Jones
Packed with wisdom and insightful thinking on the contemporary world of property investment by one of our best-known property investors, My Property World is a must read for everyone interested in property and its range of activities. [more]
The Body Corporate Book
This book is an absolute must for apartment owner-occupiers, investors, tenants, real estate agents and property managers. It is a source of thorough, user-friendly information about how the body corporate process works. [more]

Real Estate Cash from Treasure and Trash
The book examines a wealth of property investment issues—how to research for hidden value, negotiate finance, deal with contractors and consultants, understand how to renovate for profit not aesthetics, principles of Feng Shui, handling estate agents, marketing, selling, holding. [more]

Girls just want to have FUND$
Sutherland covers partnerships and money, tips for compromise and ‘commandments for every woman’. There are chapters on lifting the debt burden, legal issues, the psychology of money, the Art of Investment and much, much more. [more]

Active Investing
How you can profit from shares without advice and why passive investing is a waste of time. As an Active Investor, you can make significant profits from blue chip shares, control risk like a market professional and know when to leave your money in the bank — all in one hour per week. [more]


Sharemarket Courses
The NZ Shareholders Association are running a series of sharemarket courses:
· Taupo October 1 Starting in the Sharemarket and Investing in Shares (hosted by Good Returns Bookshop)
· Auckland October 8 Investing and Starting in the Sharemarket
· Tauranga Oct 13,14,15 hosted by Tauranga branch of NZSA in ABN AMRO Craig's new seminar room (all 4 courses)
· Auckland Oct 29th Investing in Shares & Understanding Company Reports
· Thames Nov 5 : Starting in the Sharemarket and Investing in Shares
· Whangarei Nov 12 Northland Polytechnic Investing in Shares & Understanding Company Reports

For further information and online registration visit www.nzshareholders.co.nz


ORCO "How to Create an Addictive Business" Series Presents

If You Didn’t Increase Your Profit Or Income By 23.49% Last Month Then You Definitely Don’t Want To Miss This!

At last someone is finally willing to present a no nonsense, to the point, no hype workshop around making more money and it has nothing to do with property, shares, MLM, Gambling or s'e'x!

For further information visit www.orco.co.nz

Read what our independent reviewers are saying about:
My Property World
"This book is long-awaited, and I was keen to see how Jones' ideas on property have changed and developed". [more]
How to Get Rich Rewards in Real Estate
"OK, let’s get the major criticism out of the way to start with – before moving onto the book's strengths".[more]

If you would like to join our team of reviewers, contact me now.

Logic Problems for Money Minds Competition

This is your last chance to win a copy of Logic Problems for Money Minds.

Q1. If the Manchester Quartet can play Schubert's String Quartet No. 14 in 36 minutes, how quickly can the Birmingham Trio play it?

Q2. A homeless street-dweller can make a completely new cigarette out of every 4 cigarette ends he finds.
If he collects 32 ends one morning, having started with none, how many whole cigarettes can he smoke that day?

Q3. You are the janitor of a new hotel. The proprietor has asked you to buy numbers to fix to the doors of the rooms. There are 100 rooms in the hotel, numbered 1-100.
How many number 9s do you need for the doors?

Email me with your answers (vicky@goodreturns.co.nz). The winner will be drawn mid-Oct and announced in the next newsletter (along with the answers).

Congratulations to Butch Bradley from Nelson, last month's winner.
The answers were:
1. Mr Red doesn't have any stairs because he lives in a bungalow.
2. The 5th daughter is called Mary.
3. 3/4 empty; since 3/4 empty means 1/4 full. After that the order is: 1/2 full, 2/3 full, 1/4 empty
(Forgotten the questions? Click here to see our archived newsletter)

Good Returns, PO Box 2011, Rotorua, New Zealand
Phone:  0800 345 675    Email:  books@goodreturns.co.nz

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