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13 November 2009


The big news this week is that two members of the all-important Code Committee have resigned in the wake of the Consumer report on financial advice.

We have an update on yesterday afternoon's story which includes an interview with Commissioner of Financial Advisers Annabel Cotton.

In Insurance News Asteron boss, Sean Carroll, talks about what needs to be done to grow the insurance market and we have a piece on two people who intend to "clean up" the sector.

Insurance News

Cotton explains why Code Committee members pushed
Commissioner of Financial Advisers Annabel Cotton explains why two Code Committee members were forced to resign. More

Insurers need to work together to build the pie: Carroll
The insurance industry needs to band together and grow the market rather than continue the in-fighting and tussling for a bigger share, according to the head of Asteron. More

AMP/AXA would create NZ advisory giant
The proposed merger of AMP and AXA would create New Zealand's largest tied financial advisory force by far, according to figures included in the AMP offer document. More


In People this week he have two new appointments at Fidelity Life and Tower has a new boss for its KiwiSaver business. More