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19 February 2010
AXA insurance earnings fall by a fifth


With the reporting season in full swing this week we talked to AXA about its operating earnings which fell dramatically.

No doubt intent on increasing its profitability, Southern Cross is following through with plans to broaden its product range announcing a new Critical Illness Plan and as momentum gathers towards regulation we are seeing both adviser groups and prospective QFE’s staking out their territory.

We have two examples this week with risk advisory group The National Partnership opening school to help members achieve AFA status. We also have prospective QFE's going on the road to make their pitch as to why advisers should sign up with them.

Insurance News

AXA NZ insurance earnings fall by a fifth
AXA Asia Pacific Holdings' New Zealand 2009 operating earnings were down 18% to $35.1 million with insurance falling by nearly a fifth, the company reported yesterday. More

Southern Cross launches Critical Illness Plan
Southern Cross Medical Care Society has launched a Critical Illness Plan which will be available to members from March. More

TNP opens school for advisers
Risk advisory group The National Partnership (TNP) has licensed Adviserlink courses to provide its own educational pathway for members to achieve authorised financial adviser (AFA) status. More

Pitch to tie advisers to QFEs inevitable say IFA, SIFA
Prospective qualifying financial entities (QFEs) are laying the groundwork to pitch themselves to advisers as the looming regulation deadlines draw nearer in what was always going to be an inevitable result of the legislation. More