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26 February 2010
Thinking outside the square


We talk to AMP about its different approach to expected premium price hikes this week. While some companies have encouraged advisers to sell level term policies, AMP has used foresight in its approach.

We also look at why the Institute of Financial Advisers (IFA) is seeking an exemption for its members who already meet or exceed proposed regulations released by the Code Committee on advisers' ongoing professional training.

We are also anticipating AIA’s announcement of who is taking over as chief executive later today.

The Adviserlink Advisory Board appoints Colin James as its general manager following the departure in late 2009 of Leonie Wallwork who has subsequently taken office with ETITO and in Situations Vacant, TOWER Health & Life offers a career opportunity for an experienced business development manager and SHARE NZ is on the lookout for a group systems manager. Post a Job listing here.

In Practice management Eric Papp looks at how advisers can connect with Generation Y.

Insurance News

AMP tackles premium price hikes differently
AMP is taking a different approach to many of its competitors ahead of a wave of expected premium price hikes. More

IFA seeks exemption from training requirements
Institute of Financial Advisers (IFA) is seeking an exemption for its members who already meet or exceed proposed regulations released by the Code Committee on advisers' ongoing professional training. More

Investing in your future by selling to young professionals
Generation Y (ages 17-28) is not a new consumer group. In fact, they are the most marketed-to generation in history. They have money, and they are getting more powerful and influential each year. These four steps will help you identify what is important to your prospective Gen Y clients. More