Is it really possible to pay zero taxes?

"It is most definitely possible!" says author Peter Sibbald

bookBecause you have purchased one of Peter Sibbald's books previously through the Good Returns online bookstore, we thought you'd want to be one of the first people to hear about his latest title which is hot off the press.

There is no one in New Zealand, young or old, on wages or a salary, a business owner or investor, who could not significantly and legitimately pay less income tax by applying even just a few of the strategies contained in this book. And absolutely YES, there are many who can place themselves in the position of paying zero income taxes!

"This is not a book about financial planning or about money, but it is guarant*eed to put more money in your pocket each year than any other book you have ever read," says Sibbald.

It is also not a book about investing or wealth building, yet the information contained here could probably create more wealthy people than any wealth-building book.

This book will not show you how to calculate your own taxes. You will not find any tax forms, tax return instructions or tax jargon here. Yet this book will probably reduce your taxes more than any idea that any accountant has ever given you.

Pay Zero Taxes Now is a book based on legal, ethical and practical tax strategies that are able to be put into place by almost anyone — immediately. [more]

This book is a bargain at just $24.95 (+ $4.00 p&p).

Order all three Peter Sibbald books and receive FR*EE shipping (within NZ). Click here for more details on this offer.

Read what we say about Pay Zero Taxes ...
"However in my opinion, Pay Zero Taxes is better than both its predecessors, as it is tailored to most New Zealanders who are wage and salary earners, but also includes business owners, rental property owners, investors and the retired. Sibbald shows you how to take advantage of every legitimate income tax break the IRD allows. [more]

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Kind Regards

Vicky Powell
Good Returns Bookstore


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