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GR Financial Planner of the Year
Friday, July 15th

Welcome to the Good Returns weekly newsletter. This newsletter is designed to give you a bit of a look into what’s been happening in the financial services market over the past week.

Good Returns stories you should read>>

BT ain't following its Australian brother
BT Fund Management’s New Zealand arm is not going to follow its Australian operation, and set up its own financial planning group. [More]

$30 mill fleeced from Kiwis in share scams
A Securities Commission estimate of $30 million lost by New Zealanders to telephone callers offering bogus shares is just the tip of the iceberg, according to director of enforcement, Norman Miller. [More]

Southern Cross launches health management account
Southern Cross Healthcare has launched a first for New Zealand – a ‘health management account’. [More]

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Financial Planner, Auckland
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Blog Kicking Idea's Around
The end of last week was busy with lots of foreigners (eg: offshore fund managers) in town, coincidentally when the third Lions test was on.
That and a chance meeting with Asteron boss Sean Carroll in the Vero Buidling got me thinking about rugby. [More]

ASSET Magazine
July issue out soon, features include;
- Queen Carmel - The Fisher Funds fairytale story
- Health insurance examined
- The latest on Home Equity Release schemes
- How to get referrals
Subscribe now to receive this issue.

Financial Planner of the Year Awards 2005

Entries are about to open for the Financial Planner of the Year Awards 2005.

For the sixth year, Good Returns is hosting the Financial Planner of the Year Awards.
Now is the time to enter or shoulder tap any likely candidates you may think deserve to be recognised for their outstanding achievements.
You can download an entry form from the newly revamped website here.

Quote of the Week:
“During the 1970s we in New Zealand lost the plot with respect to retirement incomes, both the state pension and private provision.”
Politicians normally aren’t so frank on superannuation as Michael Cullen was to Grey Power this week.