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Getting a handle on mortgagee sales

Friday 20th March


A little while ago I commented on the coverage of mortgagee sales in New Zealand. This week there was a useful bit of information put out which was, arguably, the more definitive research with real numbers.

The stories written in the past had been reasonably sensationalist and not particularly scientific. The new survey, from Terralink, is based on registered mortgagee sales.

What is interesting is that the percentage and actual numbers of properties sold by this method is pretty small; 191 properties nationwide in January. But growing.

Finsih reading my Blog here and don't forget to post your comments and feedback.

Have a great weekend.

Warm regards
The Landlord

L A T E S T   H O T   L I S T I N G

10% yield - 11 fully furnished studio units - good occupancy
Hillcrest, Hamilton $935,000
11 fully furnished studio units with good occupancy history. Construction is brick and plaster, aluminum joinery and iron roof. The units are self contained and there is also a communal kitchen & living area plus a laundry with washing machine and dryer. [More]

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