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Mixed market messages

Friday 26th February


This week has been a mixed bag for the property market.

Confidence remains positive, despite being down on the previous quarter and over a third of those surveyed by the ASB Housing Confidence Survey still believe now is a good time to buy a house.

The Mike Pero Mortgages/Infometrics Property Cycle Indicator showed signs of slowing improvements this week, falling slightly to 5.23 in January from 6.67 in December.

However, more up-beat on the state of the market is Bryan Thomson, chief executive of Harcourts. He’s expecting the number of sales to improve over the coming months, fuelled by a good pool of buyers and a larger volume of properties coming onto the market.

We also have the latest figures on building consents, which are still being dampened by the wider economic market.

Have a great weekend.
The Landlord

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L A T E S T   H O T   L I S T I N G S

Franz Josef 2 houses

Franz Josef: $429,000
2 x three bedroom properties - one with two bathrooms both rented. Both properties are on commercial/residential land, high density and are right in the heart of Franz and only 500 metres from the new hot pools.

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