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Where to for home loan rates?

Friday 26th June





Finish reading my blog here and don't forget to post your comments.

Have a great week.
Warm regards
The Landlord

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Housing set to prosper on strong migration
The housing market will continue to prosper after net migration increased to its strongest rate in nearly six years last month, as migrants stoke demand for new property. View More

L A T E S T   H O T   L I S T I N G

Fully Renovated & Tenanted With 9% Yield and Good Equity

Rotorua: $155,000
Three bedroom home in popular rental area Fully renovated 9 months ago Renting now with great tenant and fixed-term tenancy for $270 p/w. Registered Vlauation $190,000.

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Reviews: FREE Webcast

buy software nowEconomic times provide great opportunities

Fortunes will be made in these turbulent economic times and the divide between the rich and the average New Zealander is only going to widen.

Register now for this special complimentary WebCast and listen to an exclusive interview with Michael Yardney, bestselling author and one of Australasia's leading experts in the psychology of success and wealth creation through property. View More

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# Can a landlord permit a tenant to find another tenant?
# What are the advantages of having a Trust?
# Should I decrease mortgage principle or invest elsewhere?

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NZ Property Investor

Stories on apartments being hot buys have been endemic of late, but how reliable have reports been?

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