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Rates down, down, down. Market up?

Thursday 4th December


A massive cut in interest rates is bound to spark the languid property market into life, even though we are moving into the silly season, aka Christmas.

The Reserve Bank, today, cut its official cash rate (OCR) 150 basis points bringing it down to 5.0%, a number we haven't seen for a long time and one which six months ago we could only dream of.

These big cuts over the past few months are changing the numbers of investment properties. This means it is getting easier to make them cash flow positive, or at least get pretty close to a neutral situation.

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Warm regards
The Landlord

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Subdividable bungalow in the Mount
Delightfully private and homely 1960's bungalow. Large full site - 933m2 - subdividable at front of the section, while still keeping lovely backyard of existing property.Currently rented at $320 per week, with subdivision and do-up potential.

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# How can I get my letting fee back?
# How can I check out potential tenants?
# Who pays for water charges?

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