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Do investors really get tax benefits?

Friday 4th December


Do investors really get tax benefits? This is a topic of much debate at the moment.

Well-known property accountant Mark Withers has come out guns blazing this week, saying the perceived benefits of claiming losses are not unique to property investment and the suggestion that it is somehow unique to property investors is "completely false".

The story is well worth a read and has had some interesting feedback.

Another piece of tax news this week is warnings over the IRD's new "help pamphlet" on off-the-plan property. The NZ Institute of Chartered Accountants is cautioning readers that the paper may in fact contain potentially misleading advice.

Have a great weekend.

Warm regards
The Landlord

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L A T E S T   H O T   L I S T I N G S

Home and income AND huge potentially subdividable section

Massey, Auckland: $430,500
Potential to extend 1 bed unit into 2 or more. Privacy and views for this 3 bed house with a 1 bedroom self contained unit on a rear section with its own drive. A report has been carried out on the proposed subdivision to create a 2nd section.

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Next week Catalyst2 host a free property seminar discussing Apartments: DARK CLOUDS with a silver lining? This seminar explores when the CBD will rise from the ashes and glow again. Guest speaker and property tax specialist Mark Withers will also discuss the impact of potential tax changes.

Auckland and Wellington-Capital Property Investor Associations round the year out with their christmas functions. Be sure to check out the details in our Diary page.

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