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Budget delivers warm blast

Friday 5th June


One of the more exciting things in what was a rather dull Budget last week was funding for home insulation jobs.

This is an idea the previous government started and National initially trashed when it took over the Treasury benches. Seeing it pick the policy up again is, pardon the pun, warming news.

The other thing which caught my attention is how many people have asked about rental properties and whether landlords are going to get their investments insulated.

Finish reading my blog here and don't forget to post your comments.

If you are a landlord and have insulated a property I'd love to hear from you to find out how you went about it, and what the end result was. Send your email to

Have a great week.
Warm regards
The Landlord

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L A T E S T   H O T   L I S T I N G

Positive cash flow $112 per week

Christchurch: $580,000
With interest rates so low, this property is going to pay you money to own it. 6 flats with additional storage units. Fully managed so you don't need to live in Christchurch to own this property.

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The latest QA's are:

# Do WINZ pay rent into landlords account directly?
# How does gifting to a Trust work??
# Why do NZ interest rates differ so much from Austalian rates?

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Diary Events

Next week there are several Property Investor Association meetings happening around the country.
Be sure to check out the details in our Diary page.

The Department of Building and Housing landlords 'Get it Right' Seminars continue in Lower Hutt and Auckland.

If you want your event to be listed please email

NZ Property Investor

Stories on apartments being hot buys have been endemic of late, but how reliable have reports been?

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