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Auckland house prices up

Thursday 5th March


The rules around property management are going to change and this impacts all landlords, investors and tenants.

In the March issue of NZ Property Investor magazine, which went on sale this week, we tell you about the changes and what they may mean for you. You can get your copy in most good bookshops and supermarkets or you can grab a copy by calling 0800-345675.

Today we have the latest house sales stats in the Auckland market. Prices are up which is good news for that market.  

If you are wanting to know more about the market then check out Kieran Trass's latest seminar here. It's on this Saturday and there are still a few tickets available. As a Landlords subscriber we can offer you an exclusive price of $249 (normally $329).

Also next week we have the latest OCR announcements and we look at what may happen to interest rates between now and then.

Have a great weekend.

Warm regards
The Landlord

Good returns now,
capital gains when the
market bounces back!

Orewa showhome for sale - 7.81% return for 15 months

Located on the corner of West Hoe Heights and Ambassador Glade, this property will be used as a Show Home by Generation Homes.
This property is being offered $41,000 below its market valuation with better than bank returns for 15 months.[More]

Contact Paul Barker - 021 127 6411 or

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The latest QA's are:

# What are the benefits of an LAQC?
# Help, property manager has not increased rent
# What are my rights regarding repairs?
# What's the deal with Housing corp tenants?

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Clearance Sale - Property investing books

Limited time. Limited stock.

It's Mad March Clearance Sale at the Bookstore.
Stock up and save up to 40% off selected titles, but only for a limited time.

Sale on March 1 - 31, first in, first served. View More

Education & Events

One Day Seminar
This Saturday - 7th March

HERE'S HOW YOU CAN GAIN PEACE OF MIND AND CAPITALISE ON THE PROPERTY CRASH (whilst confidence wanes, confusion reigns and cash flow opportunities go begging!)

Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn how you can systematically accumulate a cash flow stream from property investing right NOW!

Attend this RARE full day Seminar presented by leading property cycle analyst and market watcher, Kieran Trass for his current insights into the opportunity to make money from property in 2009.


SPECIAL OFFER: Tickets normally: $329
Landlords newsletter subscribers pay just $249


NZ Property Investor

It's GAME ON and the stakes are high. Find out how the new rules will affect you make sure you pick up the latest copy of the NZ, on sale NOW


Every month we have a new prize for Landlords registered members. There's no cost to join and your name automatically goes in the prize draw each month.

This month we have 5 copies of Micheal Yardney's book All You Need to Know About Buying & Selling Your Home, valued at $39.95 each up for grabs.

If you haven't already registered click here.

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