Thursday 1st October

Welcome to this week's Prophet Forecast newsletter.

Looking through the accounting news this week it is clear that the tax system in New Zealand is on for a massive shake up. As we have reported over recent weeks discussion on capital gains tax has been a big issue.

One of our new stories at www.netprophet.co.nz has the Minister of Revenue, Peter Dunne, hosing down speculation that decisions on changes to the tax system have already been made. The other story on this theme is that there we are in the middle of the most radical changes to the tax system since PAYE was introduced.


Radical tax reform on its way

Changes planned to how tax is administered have been hailed as having "the potential to implement the most radical administrative reforms to the tax system since the introduction of PAYE".   » Read more

No Govt decision yet on future tax mix

While there is a lot of talk and discussion about possible changes to the tax system the government has made no decisions on the future tax mix, Revenue Minister Peter Dunne says. » Read more

Simpler and cheaper financial reporting for all but the biggest companies

Commerce Minister Simon Power is proposing significantly simpler and cheaper financial reporting practices for all but the biggest companies in New Zealand. » Read more

NZ first to adopt international auditing standards

New Zealand is set to become the first country to apply the full suite of new international standards for auditing. » Read more

Would you like extra service with your online accounting?

Listed online accounting software company Xero has changed its pricing plan for SMEs from a single price point to three tiers. >>Read more


Maxwell bows out of Timaru firm

Timaru chartered accountancy firm Noone & Maxwell has changed its name after principal Brian Maxwell sold his interests in the firm. >>Read more

If you have a new appointment to include in www.netprophet.co.nz email details to editor@netprophet.co.nz

Practice Management

Clear the clutter and lighten up

During this global economic crisis, simplifying our work activity is the key to success. When we get rid of unprofitable burdens and organise, we can focus on more important things. >>Read more

Investment and KiwiSaver News

brought to you by NZ Funds Management

NZ Funds breaks from tradition

New Zealand Funds Management has taken a big leap of faith by over-turning traditional financial planning and investment concepts in favour of a new approach that deals with clients on their own, human, terms. » Read more

KiwiSaver survey: the full numbers revealed

In a year that has seen two KiwiSaver providers close up shop, the big bank brands were again dominating fund flows, the second annual www.goodreturns.co.nz KiwiSaver survey has found. » View full table here

Dead KiwiSaver members get direct payment

Parliament has passed a major omnibus tax bill into law which clears up rules around payouts to the estates of deceased KiwiSaver members. » Read more


One of the features of Netprophet is its Diary of Events. This lists events coming up that accountants may be interested in attending.

PS: If you know of an event which should be listed send details to events@netprophet.co.nz

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Philip Macalister

Netprophet.co.nz is published by Tarawera Publishing Ltd, NZ's largest specialist publisher in the financial services sector. TPL produces a number of websites including goodreturns.co.nz and sharechat.co.nz as well as NZ Property Investor Magazine, NZ Mortgage Magazine and ASSET.




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