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As Christmas looms, it is easy for the fun to be overshadowed by a possible drain on your finances. Our feature book this month, Think and Grow Rich contains powerful money-making secrets that you can put to good use around this time of the year.
The author, Napoleon Hill uncovered the secret to great wealth based on the notion that if you can learn to think like the rich, you can discover wealth and success. Follow his 13-step formula to create the life you deserve.
Think and Grow Rich has sold over 15 million copies - and is a timeless classic which has been revised and updated for the 21st Century.

Vicky Powell
Bookstore Manager


As seen on TV3's 60 Minutes last week. You CAN sell your own home.
without agentsReal Estate without Agents exposes one of the biggest secrets in real estate - how to buy and sell without agents. It shows how agents pocket billions of dollars in commissions for doing little more than placing ads. Most of these commissions belong in the pockets of consumers, not agents. In Real Estate Without Agents, nationally known property writer Terry Ryder shows you how to save thousands of dollars. You'll learn how to turn the cost of this book into a saving of around $10,000 - often much more.Buy Now
By Terry Ryder, Only $32.95 > > >

Also New:
How to Maximise your Property Portfolio. More
details >>


Coffee table classic - perfect for sharemarket buffs

Get Started Reminiscences of a Stock Operator is the fictionalised biography of legendary trader Jesse Livermore, thought by many to be one of the most successful and daring speculators ever to grace the trading floors of Wall Street.
The timeless insights found within these pages have inspired countless generations of investors and made this book one of the foremost investment classics of all time.

Buy NowBy Edwin Lefevre, Only $55.95 (hb)> > >

Also New: The New Australian Stockmarket Investor. More details >>

OVER 15 MILLION SOLD> Wealth Creation

Build your wealth with this roadmap to success

Grow RichOriginally published in 1937, Think & Grow Rich containing Hill’s money-making secrets, is as powerful today as it was then and can change your life forever. After interviewing over 500 of the most affluent men and women of his time, Napoleon Hill uncovered the secret to great wealth based on the notion that if we can learn to think like the rich we can discover wealth and success. .Grow Rich
By Napoleon Hill, Only $29.95 > > >

Also New: The Millionaire Mind. More details >>>

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The Real Estate Rookie
A practical guide for the first-time residential property investor

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Lots of other books available, including:
Grow Rich with the Property Cycle
Wink and Grow Rich
The Stockmarket, Easy as ABC
Real Estate Mistakes
$1,000,000 in Property
in one Year