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NZ Property Mag Newsletter


 20th July 2005

Beware the headlines. The release of the New Zealand Real Estate Institute’s latest sales and price figures has prompted some dire comment about the state of the market, particularly in Auckland. What in fact the figures are showing is that the rate of growth is slowing, and that house price increases are beginning to level off. While on a monthly basis there is price fluctuation, on a year-on-year basis the figures still stack up strongly.

In the Auckland region, for instance, the year-on-year June figures show that the median price has risen from $323,000 to $370,000 and in Auckland city that figure has risen from $347,500 to $415,000, a percentage increase of 13.14%. Elsewhere in the country the average rate of increase in the median price for June year-on-year was 17%.

The other point to remember about Auckland is that it is the market leader. When the cycle changes again and the rate of growth accelerates Auckland will lead that change.

Ian Reddington
Editor, New Zealand Property Magazine

New Cairns Lockie loan attracts interest
Non-bank lender Cairns Lockie is already receiving inquiries about a new loan offering which gives home owner-mortgagees who want to buy a rental property higher tax deductions on their over-all property portfolio. [More]

Lifestyle property prices up
The price of lifestyle property continues to reach new highs as city dwellers compete for rural properties, according to the latest rural sales figures from the Real Estate Institute of New Zealand. [More]

Central Otago Lakes region New Zealand's most expensive real estate -
The Central Otago Lakes region has achieved the distinction of becoming New Zealand most expensive real estate region, according to the latest Real Estate Institute of New Zealand (Inc) June residential real estate figures. [More]


August issue out soon!

The New Zealand Property Mag is a monthly magazine written specifically for property investors and homeowners in New Zealand.

August IssueAs our lead story in the August issue of New Zealand Property magazine points out political policies have played a significant role in party manifestos. Remember National’s change to market rents in the 1990s and the Property Speculator’s Tax (and its rejection by Sir Robert Muldoon) of earlier generations. Well don’t hold your breath for the upcoming 2005 election on property issues.

We went to the parties to sound out their property planks and found little in the way of new or stimulating policy. The government is standing on its record with its first-home buyer scheme announced in the Budget its only major innovation. National’s main new policy is a home-buyer assistance package which includes a $15,000 suspensory loan for state house tenants which could be later written off.

One area where the two main parties have differing views is over the Residential Tenancies Act where Labour is pushing ahead with its stated review while National is pledging to re-review it in line with what it sees as an anti-landlord bais.

See the August issue for what the parties are promising. Subscribe now so you don't miss this fantastic issue.

Elsewhere in the magazine property investors will be intrigued to learn about state house leases as a lucrative property investment. As Diana Clement points out where else are you going to get guaranteed rental returns for 52 weeks a year for up to 15 years.

Christchurch agent Maggie van Rooyen sells New Zealand property to the stars, including singer Shania Twain. She talks to Andrea Fox about how she markets New Zealand real estate to the world.

Is negative gearing a mystery to you? Columnist Ann Loudon explains in detail what it is, how it works, and whether it is for you.

If you’re one of the unfortunates who have been caught up in the leaky building syndrome our tax expert Mark Withers outlines some of the tax and legal issues that have emerged as this difficult issue has gone through the court and negotiating procedures.

Looking for a property region that has rock-solid strong yields? Andrea Fox examines North island region where double-digit yields are the norm even in a tightening market. Also read our commentaries on the housing market, and mortgages, plus our extensive coverage of vital property statistics.

>> NEW!
The magazine also has a new guest columnist who will answer your questions on any property investment issue. Beginning in the next issue we'll be running a monthly question and answer column with one of New Zealand's leading residential property investors, Graeme Fowler.

Graeme has been a real estate investor for the past 17 years and was author of New Zealand Real Estate Investors' Secrets (How 10 New Zealanders became millionaires from residential property and how you can too.) The book has been a best seller with nearly 10,000 copies now sold in New Zealand. Graeme has also run a 12-month mentoring programme for people investing in real estate. He currently owns about 55 properties, and has purchased about 100 properties in the last four years. Some of the strategies he has used have been buy and hold, quick cash, wraps, lease options, and on-selling contracts.

Please e-mail your questions for Graeme to questions@goodreturns.co.nz.

Not a subscriber? Subscribe now so you don't miss this fantastic issue. Click here to subscribe online.


RPIThe Complete Guide to Residential Property Investment in New Zealand
by Andrew King & Lisa Dudson
This book is a practical guide giving you a clear overview of the information you need to become a successful investor. Avoid common legal mistakes; calculate how much you can borrow; legitimately maximise your tax deductions; take advantage of rising markets without failing when the market turns. This will become an indispensable tool that you revisit frequently. [More]


Housing Statistics

View regional highlights provided by the Real Estate Institute of New Zealand’s analysis of the real estate market. [More]

Mortgage Rates

NZ Property Magazine provides a comprehensive listing of home loan mortgage rates offered in New Zealand. You can also display a graph comparing the various lenders using the Rate Comparison page. [More]


We review PC Propery Manager, a rental property management software system for residential rental property investors to manage their financial and other rental property transactions. [More]

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