NZ Property Investor magazine


NZ Property Investor magazine
Best Tax Deals
Tax changes have created uncertainty and confusion among property investors. What do the changes mean? Even the experts disagree.
Find out how in the latest issue of
NZ Property Investor

The March issue is
on sale Monday 7th

Rents are rocketing in Auckland, and in some suburbs increases of up to 24% have been achieved, due to a supply shortage and increased demand for quality housing.

Building consents are down in Auckland which is contributing to the shortage whilst a growing population is increasing demand. However low immigration levels are tempering the balance and could have a major impact on housing over the next couple of years.

Following recent tragic events Christchurch residents are fleeing the stricken city and require housing urgently and this will also impact on demand.

Online property listings in February surged in the main centres, with Auckland showing a 50% increase on the previous month. But regional sales are still struggling with home owners preferring to reduce house-hold debt.

Overall the outlook is still a buyers' market and if investors continue their rental increase rises then yields could be the golden key for the foreseeable future.

Coming up in the April issue:
So how do landlords raise rents and achieve maximum occupancy rates? It's a hot topic right now and we look at the multiple ways they can increase rents and yields using different strategies. If you have a product or service you would like to promote in our rents feature call me on 0274 303023 to discuss.

With the many new technological ways to communicate and conduct business, we focus on the new face of real estate and how online applications, easily accessible hardware and an insatiable demand for instant gratification is changing the way we do things. We also review how emerging new companies are leveling the playing field with competition heating up in the real estate marketplace. If you are a game-changer in the real estate space then call me to find out more.

In our regional review we focus the spotlight on Lower Hutt which seems to offer something for every kind of investor. To take advantage of our highly competitive rates for this feature call me to discuss as deadlines are approaching.

We round out our series on alternative investing strategies looking at the pros and cons of garages and how you can convert to add-value and gain yield.

To advertise within these features or to get more information about how you can use the NZ Property Investor to talk to a nationwide audience of property investors, please contact me by email or call 0274 303023 or 07 315 7221.

Best wishes

Amy Hubbard | Advertising Account Manager
NZ Property Investor Magazine Ltd
07 315 7221 | 0274 303023

FB:Amy Nzpi | Skype: amy.hubbard1