NZ Property Investor magazinePutting the positive back in the flow


NZ Property Investor magazine

With more traditional perks of property investing looking shaky, focus will shift towards pure cash-flow.
We have exclusive figures on where you can find positive cash flow properties in the current market and how to spot potential.
The May issue is
on sale

Now more than ever, investors need guidance and education to ensure their portfolios continue to prosper.

Economists are currently picking the second half of this year for property investment activity to pick up. Low interest rates and a surge in net migration combined with low building consents issued means a housing shortage is almost inevitable. This has contributed to raised confidence.

Have you got a product or service which our readers should use? Can you afford not to communicate with property investors right now? We offer strategic and relevant advertising for our clients so why not call me today to discuss how we can raise your profile and generate new business.

What's coming up?
In the June issue we break down the nuts and bolts of Budget 2010. This will be a finance-focused feature incorporating the impact of tax changes for property investors. Many industry experts and property commentators are holding seminars, workshops, webinars and meetings post Budget to disseminate Bill English's speech, and discuss the impact of the touted 'once in a generation opportunity' to change current tax laws.

We also review how the property education market has changed since the global economic crisis struck. We look at who the current big players are, and what the options are for both beginner and seasoned investors. We also look at how business models and strategies have changed to meet demand for more knowledge and experience.

Commercial 101 will look at strategies and the best way to structure a commercial portfolio. We also conclude our Debt diaries series, helping landlords find alternative ways to prevent and recover rental arrears.

To round out, Ashburton comes under our microscope in our regional review. If you would like to generate more clients for your business in these areas why not take advantage of our half price rates for this feature? Call me today on 0274 303023.

Bonus offer: Book any 6-month advertising contract and receive a free 1-year listing in our property expert directory on But don't delay, the booking deadline for the June issue is Wednesday May 12th.

To advertise within these features or to get more information about how you can use the NZ Property Investor to talk to a nationwide audience of property investors, please contact me either by email or call 0274 303023.

Warm regards

Amy Hubbard
Advertising Account Manager
NZ Property Investor Magazine Ltd

0274 303023

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