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Winter is well and truly upon us, so what better way to while away the hours than by snuggling up with a good book. We have some awesome specials for you to take advantage of in this newsletter and some great new titles that you won't be able to resist.

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Books featured in this newsletter are:

The Day the Bubble Bursts ~ Warren Buffet Wealth ~
The Real Estate Game ~ Your Home
~ What every Real Estate Investor needs to know about Cashflow


The Day the Bubble Bursts
By Olly Newland, $29.95
No-one can predict when the bottom will fall out of the property market, but according to Newland, when it crashes it will take us all by surprise.
Newland spells out the reasons for the coming property downturn and shows you how to protect your assets and profit from the opportunities that will arise.

Highly recommended!

Order your copy here



Warren Buffett Wealth
By Robert P Miles, $43.95
The book outlines the principles and practical methods that have made Buffett one of the greatest investors of our time.You’ll learn how to be the best by studying the best and discover how Buffett has built his wealth over time – not overnight. With Warren Buffett Wealth as your guide you’ll learn how to become wealthy in the stockmarket and in life.
Great for people interested in learning the rules of value investing - Buffett-style.

Order your copy here


The Real Estate Game
Was $299.95 now just $99.95
This educational real estate board game is designed to teach property investors the pitfalls of the traditional property market cycle.
The inventor, Kieran Trass, describes the board game as the equivalent of "20 years property investment experience in a box".
This is a great price for a fun way to learn about the property market cycles.

Order Your Copy Here


Your Home
99 Q & A's from the experts
By Dominic Ogburn & Harvey Grennan, $29.95
Why are renovations booming? What is gazumping and is it legal? How long does it take to build a house? What is a reverse mortgage?

All the answers are here, in an easy-to-read Q&A format that clearly explains all the information you need to know before you buy, sell, renovate or build a home or investment property.

Order Your Copy Here


What every Real Estate Investor needs to know about Cashflow
By Frank Gallinelli Fisher, $39.95
This book contains an arsenal of powerful calculations that can make the difference between winning and losing the real estate investment game.
Every real estate investor needs to know how to calculate cash flow, long-term gain, net operating income, and a few other basic financial formulas. What Every Real Estate Investor Needs to Know About Cash Flow . . . is a guide to the 34 most essential calculations that answer such crucial questions as What is this building really worth today? What kind of cash flow can I expect? Is this property a good investment? and How do I calculate my return?
For beginning investors, real estate veterans, commercial brokers, and sellers as well as buyers, this handy reference is a must-have for anyone who wants to make sound decisions based on accurate calculations.

Order Your Copy Here



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Kind Regards
Vicky Powell
Bookstore Manager
New low price

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An excellent book on sorting our your personal finances.

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Lots of other books available, including:
2004 Investment Yearbook
From 0-130 Properties in 3.5 years
Good Business, Bad Business
Positive Cash Flow Property
Get Rich Stay Rich