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You Decide!

We want to find out who you think are the most influential people in the financial planning community in New Zealand.

Your votes can cover anyone who works in, or has worked in, any parts of the industry, including funds management, financial planning, insurance, research or superannuation.

The idea of this exercise is to recognise those people who have made a difference to our industry.

This survey is modelled on similar ones done by leading publications in other countries such as Australia and the United States.

Since this is the first time it has been done in New Zealand you can vote for people who have made a difference in 2001, or people who have played a major role is getting the industry to where it is now. We hope to be able to produce two lists from this survey, a 2001 one, and an All-Time Influential list.

We have provided you with space to make up to five nominations. There is also room to detail your reasons for nominating these people. (If you need more space than the form allows just email If you want more information about the survey or have a question either email me or call on 07-3456869.

Kind regards

Philip Macalister

Note: All material supplied to Good Returns for this survey will be handled with the strictest confidence.

Nomination 1
Please detail your reasons.
First Name
Last Name
Company Name
Nomination 2
Please detail your reasons.
First Name
Last Name
Company Name
Nomination 3
Please detail your reasons.
First Name
Last Name
Company Name
Nomination 4
Please detail your reasons.
First Name
Last Name
Company Name
Nomination 5
Please detail your reasons.
First Name
Last Name
Company Name

We would appreciate it if you would complete the fields below as we may like to contact you later on to find out more information about your nominees for any profiles we write.

Please be assured that your details will be kept strictly confidential and won't be disclosed to anyone.

Email address:
Firm name:
Phone number:

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