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DNZ offer unfair to shareholders: van Schaardenburg

MMG Advisory Partners strongly opposes DNZ Property Fund’s up to $140 million deeply discounted capital raising and the terms of the buy-out of the management contract.

Friday, November 27th 2009, 5:21AM 8 Comments

by Jenny Ruth

DNZ will use $43 million of the proceeds to buy the management contract from chief executive Paul Duffy and former chairman Alastair Hasell.

David van Schaardenburg, an MMG director since June last year, when the former Money Managers business founded by Somers-Edgar in 1985 was sold, and chairman of its investment panel, says MMG is looking at commissioning its own independent report on the price being paid for the management contract.

Rather than raising equity, van Schaardenburg says DNZ should have been selling property to reduce debt, although that wasn't in the management company's interests because its fees are based on total assets.

The capital raising is "clearly very unfair to existing shareholders," he says.

DNZ has about 8,200 existing investors, mostly mums-and-dads retail investors who were advised to invest in the 32 Dominion Funds syndicates from which DNZ was formed on the advice of Money Managers.

DNZ's existing investors had no say in the float of the sale of the management contract. DNZ has two classes of shares with the retail investors owning the A shares and the manager owning all the B shares which have the voting power.

The management company had already been paid $4 million in April to compensate it for agreeing to reduce its ongoing assets-based fees by about $600,000 a year. It was paid $5.6 million in fees and expenses in the year ended March.

The new shares are priced at 82 cents, a 56% discount on net tangible assets (NTA) after the termination of the management contract.

The existing investors, who own 188.5 million shares, will have the value of their holdings slashed unless they buy one new share for every share they already own, but they are only being allocated $40 million worth, or 48.8 million shares. If all existing investors apply for shares they can only match 25.9% of their holdings.

An independent report by PricewaterhouseCoopers says if a holder of 10,000 existing shares can buy 5,000 new shares, the NTA of their total holding will drop by $2,832. If that holder buys no new shares, the NTA will fall $5,394.

The existing shareholders are also facing their income stream being slashed. Before the capital raising, DNZ had expected to pay investors a total $23.5 million in income for the year ending March 2010.

After the capital raising, the annual payout will fall to $12.8 million.

Existing shareholders are being offered the opportunity to sell their shares but only at the 82 cents a share offer price and only if the underwritten $130 million part of the offer is over-subscribed. Any sellers will also be charged 2% brokerage.



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Comments from our readers

On 27 November 2009 at 8:49 am Pauline said:
To keep the value of my present holding I would have to find nearly $14,000 for new shares. Even if I could find it, it would be throwing good money after bad in a set-up that has turned unreliable. There has been no consideration for present shareholders. Not good, Mr Duffy & Co.
On 27 November 2009 at 2:41 pm Chris Jones said:
I find the cavalier and arrogant attitude of DNZ absolutely amazing in this day and age. Definitely not good enough!
On 27 November 2009 at 3:38 pm Ralph Lyon said:
On the 23 June 2006 I received a letter from Dominion Funds which told me my shares and debenture investment had a value of $21,750.
This investment is now apparently worth $8755 and the owners of the management company think they should be paid $43 Million dollars to buy them out of the contract?? How does that work??
Times may be tough but perhaps the management company should remain as a separate company with their payment dependent on their performance in restoring the value of DNZ Property Fund rather than them being paid tens of millions on the basis that they might have done a good job in the future.
The property funds in which I invested in 1995 on the recommendation of the then Money Managers have been an absolute lemon and these properties were supposed to have been selected by experts!
Just another example of why it is not surprising people might prefer to put their money into residential property.
On 28 November 2009 at 9:21 am Hank said:
Can't believe this Duffy trash can sleep at night , I will be loosing $77.000 ( my retirement fund ) which a large part goes to him .
I hope he won't enjoy his retirement for to long
On 28 November 2009 at 11:13 am DR& CS said:
I this another scam where the directors get richer and the investers get poorer.
The value of our shares in 31st Aug 09
was $23582.00 and are now are $12819.00
Well done. Have a happy Xmas Mr, Directors
On 28 November 2009 at 5:46 pm john davis said:
Nice one Duffy and co, Ronald Biggs got time for his robbery you get rewarded, it's just a pity that you most probarbly won't even see this.Us folks worked hard for our money and this is the best you can come up with making your living ripping off beneficiaries, The 20 grand you have pocketed of ours we hope you can find a nice Xmas card you may like to send me thanking me for my generosity AND NO WE DON'T WISH YOU A HAPPY XMAS 2Jds
On 30 November 2009 at 10:48 am DB said:
I always thought that the management team was paid to run the company and look after the share holder’s interest first. How naïve we all are. They appear to run the company to feather their own nests and treat the share holders as a with contempt. If it wasn’t for the share holders there would not be a company. Well done Mr. Duffy Co. Enjoy your Xmas break you did well in taking us all down.
(Is there some sort of National award for this type business management??)
On 30 November 2009 at 11:14 am DB said:
I always thought that the management team was paid to run the company and look after the share holder’s interest first. How naïve we all are. They appear to run the company for their best interest and to hell with the share holders. If it wasn’t for the share holders there would not be a company Mr. Duffy and co. Enjoy your Xmas break you did well in taking us all down.
(Is there some sort of National award for this type of business management??)
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Last updated: 14 March 2025 5:56pm

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