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Health insurance claims top $400m in last quarter

New data reveals Kiwi's have been paid out $400 million in health insurance claims in the quarter to June 30.

Monday, August 30th 2021, 1:30PM

by Matthew Martin

Richard Klipin.

The Financial Services Council (FSC) released its latest health insurance sector snapshot, showing a total of $1.5 billion in claims have been paid to New Zealander's since July 2020.

This is an increase of just under $60 million in comparison to the previous three month period with the data also showing that more than 1.4 million Kiwis have some form of health cover.

“Although the current lockdown has impacted the availability of private health services, with most elective surgeries being postponed, we expect to see services restored as New Zealand moves down alert levels,” says FSC chief executive Richard Klipin.

“Importantly, customers will remain covered for any medical conditions that they may develop during the lockdown period.”

FSC health committee chairman Lance Walker says more younger Kiwis view health cover as an important part of their financial and overall wellbeing, showing that around 1 in 3 customers with health cover are under the age of 30.

He says last year, orthopaedic surgery, cancer and gynaecological treatments were the top three areas of support funded by health insurers.


Tags: claims Covid-19 FSC health insurance Richard Klipin

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