by The Landlord
Aged just 29, Strang has a solid five property portfolio which has enabled her to become the mistress of her own destiny.
As the oldest child of a solo parent on the domestic purposes benefit, she developed self-reliance and an entrepreneurial bent at a young age.
In the past, those traits have led her to drive tractors in the UK and put in the hard yards in Western Australia’s tough mining industry.
But these days they serve her well as she manages, maintains and further cultivates her investment property holdings.
Southland-based Strang is not into property because of the satisfaction that might come from having equity or money.
“What I’m wanting is flexibility to quit the workforce or not have flatmates out of necessity.
"When I have children I’ll be able to manage my properties from home. I won’t need a high-paid job and a retirement fund.”
In the current issue of NZ Property Investor magazine, Strang tell us how she has overcome adversity to build her portfolio and shares the lessons that she has learnt along the way.
To read more about Strang's property investment journey, click here to get the digital issue of NZ Property Investor magazine.
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