Mo Bros - Who can win?
Friday, November 3rd 2006, 7:32AM

A bunch of the boys at ING have jumped into a competition to see who can grow the biggest mo in a month.
They are getting in behind a good cause, supporting prostrate cancer awareness amongst men.
In our public service role we will be keeping you up to date with growth of these mos (maybe we could have a index like one of their funds? - Ed).
Wayne "Boris" Becker, David Boyle and Aaron Klee are featuring in the great mo-grow off. You can sponsor any (or all) of them by going to Enter the appropriate registration number (Boris 10692, Boyle 10706, Klee 10718) and (yes) follow the instructions.
As you can see both Becker and Boyle are off to a clean start. (We couldn't determine with Klee).

Funds raised in New Zealand will be donated to the Prostate Cancer Foundation of New Zealand.
About the cause
Part of the answer is a lack of awareness about the very real health issues faced by males. The good old "she'll be right" attitude and a reluctance to see a doctor about an illness or for regular medical checks also contributes to the problem.
The aim of Movember is to change this attitude, make male health fun by putting the mo back on the face of fashion and in the process raise some serious funds for key male health issues.
Did you know?
- Men are far less healthy than women. The average life expectancy of males is six years less than females.
- Every year in New Zealand about 600 men die of prostate cancer - about the same as the number of women who die from breast cancer
And if the Mo Bros need a benchmark for their project, here it is:

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