Hard work ahead to sell the Budget
Thursday, May 19th 2011, 4:25PM

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Comments from our readers
On 23 May 2011 at 12:25 pm Peter said:
Very interesting to note that none of the examples quoted in the Govt Press Release re affect of changes to Kiwisaver http://pr.co.nz/kiwisaver-budget-changes-20052011/ feature a self-employed worker! Astounding given how much of the NZ workforce is made up of self-employed people, contractors, farmers etc. Am interested in any feedback from other self-employed people or those advisors dealing with self-employed people, about how appealing Kiwisaver is now. Is it still worth selling to self-employed? On 25 May 2011 at 8:44 am JAFA said:
'Employers' 3% contribution when subject to ESCT for tax-payer at 33%, results in 2.01% contribution.
i.e. No saving's change, & we should acknowledge that this was simply a tax increase.
Ya tax something, ya get less of it. There will be less KiwiSaver employer contributionss - especially by closely-held companies.
On 30 May 2011 at 11:12 am Majella said:
Correct, Jafa - that part of the change is nothing more than a thinly disguised tax on business. Gee, THAT'S encouraging for us all isn't it? Commenting is closed
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