Non-Bank help for Advisers is here!
Solutions Out Sourced is a specialised non-bank support service about to launch this week, aimed at helping mortgage advisers achieve their client’s goals, when the banks say no.
Monday, June 8th 2020, 8:00AM

Dealing with the banks is getting a lot harder and non-bank lenders now have additional criteria that needs to be met by the banks and non banks, thanks to Covid 19.
SOS understands that mortgage advisers have enough on their plate and not enough hours in the day to navigate the many different lending appetites and criteria of non-bank lenders.
This is where Solutions Out Sourced (SOS) can help. Their experience, knowledge and passion means that they will find a solution.
How it all works.....
- Declined by bank
- Declined by non-bank
- Not enough time
- Call SOS, let us do the work
- Just send them the application
- They will assess and re-package
- They will apply to appropriate non-bank lender(s) and private funders
- They will keep you informed of progress every step of the way – communication is key for them
03. AVAILABLE 24/7.
- SOS are available 24/7 for any and all questions regarding the loan approval
- They will liaise with the lender on all loan conditions and keep you updated
- Straightforward, uncomplicated and transparent for you and your client
- All SOS services provided at no cost until loan settlement
- SOS fee paid by adviser at drawdown
- You may never need to say NO again
- Contact Solutions Out Sourced NOW
Ross Brogden and Jen Latham have most recently worked for a non-bank lender as Credit Manager and lending BDM respectively. They formed the idea of SOS – Solutions Out Sourced when they saw a need for increased support in the non-bank space for both advisers and lenders.
Their brand new offering to the market is a unique, customised service that enables an adviser if time poor/overseas/unfamiliar with non-bank or for any reason at all to get a deal across the line with SOS’ support. Time is MONEY.
With their experience, trouble shooting ability, thinking outside the box, finding a way to make a deal work for both the lender and adviser is simple and fast, a support crew available at any time, it could just be a one off or you could send ALL of your non-bank deals their way and lighten up your work load, you generate the leads and all non-bank can be dealt with by them, no need for bigger offices employing more staff and extra office collateral.
With over 20 years of collective experience in Non-Bank lending Ross and Jen have seen it all:
- Tricky development including self-builds, partially completed, unitary plan, multi-site subdivisions.
- Messy marital separations.
- Nasty tax arrears and IRD issues.
- Ugly credit history including discharged insolvency and PLA rescues.
- All kinds of other situations and reasons.
SOS will work with you to provide a transparent, fast and efficient support crew
You might have tried the bank and they have declined
You might have tried a near-bank lender and they have declined
You might have tried a non-bank lender and they have declined
You might have tried a couple of non-bank lenders and they’ve still declined
You might want to try SOS before you let this deal go
What have you got to lose?
They share the commission 50/50
You keep your client
SOS is your go-to support crew
SOS love thinking outside the box
SOS ARE non-bank
SOS are NEW and for YOU!
NZQA Level 5 qualified, help only a phone call away
Jen Latham
027 767 5366 027 SOS JENN
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