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Previous Articles Archive - 1998

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December 1998

24 Dec 19982nd Annual Awards
23 Dec 1998Risk market business booming
23 Dec 1998Comment: ISI supports voluntary savings regime
22 Dec 1998Proposal for new adviser association rubbished
21 Dec 1998Myles plans new adviser association
20 Dec 1998Weekly briefs
17 Dec 1998Research: 10 year return forecasts
17 Dec 1998Super taskforce #3
16 Dec 1998Gov't confirms its intentions N
15 Dec 1998Your questions about Endowment Warrants answered
15 Dec 1998Headaches and opportunities from index changes
14 Dec 1998ISI to stay the same - for now
13 Dec 1998Portfolio Talk: David McClatchy
13 Dec 1998Weekly briefs
12 Dec 1998GPG drags Tower back to court
9 Dec 1998Comment: ISI gaining traction and about to put the accelerator down
9 Dec 1998Proxy rate for funds not on
8 Dec 1998Tower policyholders have their say
7 Dec 1998Tower: The proposals in a nutshell
7 Dec 1998Weekly briefs
7 Dec 1998Tower’s day (or three) in court
6 Dec 1998The Road Ahead
6 Dec 1998Tower rejects GPG proposal
4 Dec 1998Sovereign deal completed
3 Dec 1998Disclosure regime a hindrance
2 Dec 1998Trusts: Do what's right, not what's fashionable
1 Dec 1998Deutsche Bank grabs Bankers Trust
1 Dec 1998Blair scores politicians poorly

November 1998

30 Nov 1998Weekly briefs
30 Nov 1998The hands-off approach
29 Nov 1998Superannuation: Why has the PRG report been ignored?
29 Nov 1998When global bonds perform well
26 Nov 1998Trusting times for Money Managers
25 Nov 1998FMG propagates a high-yielding offshoot
25 Nov 1998Cost crunch coming
24 Nov 1998Degree course proposed
23 Nov 1998German bank bids for BT
22 Nov 1998Royal & SunAlliance catches a fast-moving train
22 Nov 1998Weekly briefs
20 Nov 1998Surprises will continue, but some will be pleasant
20 Nov 1998A lifeboat is launched as Tolis founders
18 Nov 1998Royal & SunAlliance (finally) snares Guardian Assurance
17 Nov 1998Tolis's final twitchef
17 Nov 1998WestpacTrust sacks managers
16 Nov 1998Royal & SunAlliance and Southern Cross join forces
16 Nov 1998NZRPT unitholders locked up for five years
15 Nov 1998Weekly briefs
15 Nov 1998Merrill Lynch begins its New Zealand assault
12 Nov 1998Funds face suspension risk
10 Nov 1998Peters unveils RSS MkII
10 Nov 1998ANZFM outsources more functions
8 Nov 1998One stands while others burn
8 Nov 1998Research: Testing the Efficient Market Hypothesis
8 Nov 1998Changes on the farm
8 Nov 1998Weekly briefs
8 Nov 1998Questions over lawyer's lettefu
6 Nov 1998TOLIS torpedoed
4 Nov 1998Greenslade looks to establish franchise network
2 Nov 1998Aquaria 21 extends convertible note offer
1 Nov 1998Trusts: Get it right or forget it
1 Nov 1998Weekly briefs

October 1998

30 Oct 1998No-load funds arrive in Australia
28 Oct 1998Sovereign's Coon and Hendry say they'll se
28 Oct 1998The Ascent of ANZ
26 Oct 1998Opinion: Long-term Stability Must Be The Driver
26 Oct 1998WestpacTrust undoes ties
26 Oct 1998Weekly briefs
22 Oct 1998Strong September funds flow
21 Oct 1998D-Day for IAFP
21 Oct 1998IAFP members say Yes
20 Oct 1998Guardian Assurance offers a switch
19 Oct 1998Portfolio Talk: Wayne Stechman
18 Oct 1998Weekly briefs
16 Oct 19985-4-3-2-1 blast-off
15 Oct 1998Superannuation reform is absolutely necessary
15 Oct 1998Surviving property's slump
14 Oct 1998Richard Prebble puts his case
14 Oct 1998Prudential's equity funds to go
14 Oct 1998Renouf name to disappear
12 Oct 1998No future for Momentum
11 Oct 1998Weekly briefs
8 Oct 1998Research: Mixing direct and listed property
8 Oct 1998Sovereign next to go
8 Oct 1998ASB Bank makes offer for Sovereign
7 Oct 1998Advisers appointed to Public Trust Office
6 Oct 1998Weekly briefs
2 Oct 1998Tower declares war on costs

September 1998

30 Sep 1998Gifting programmes under investigation
29 Sep 1998Family Trusts: IRD to investigate gifting transactions
29 Sep 1998ISI supporting TOLIS legislation
29 Sep 1998IAFP board comes out
29 Sep 1998Government kills the Accord
28 Sep 1998Weekly briefs
25 Sep 1998ISI reviews its role
24 Sep 1998Beware of the Year 2000 bug
22 Sep 1998Latest round in fight for Tower to GPG
22 Sep 1998Project Morph aims to move investors
21 Sep 1998Weekly briefs
19 Sep 1998Portfolio Talk: Carmel Fisher
17 Sep 1998InsuranceLink progresses
16 Sep 1998Submissions sought on standard agency agreement
14 Sep 1998Merrill Lynch signals its intentions
13 Sep 1998Weekly briefs
10 Sep 1998NZRPT sells assets to fund redemptions
9 Sep 1998Musical chairs continues
9 Sep 1998Advisers hit by friendly fire
9 Sep 1998AMP scoops up Citibank
8 Sep 1998Unveiling a new look Tower
7 Sep 1998Weekly briefs
7 Sep 1998Blair wants public involved in the Accord
4 Sep 1998Comment: A plea to the Reserve Bank of New Zealand
2 Sep 1998Surveying Pinnacle Life
2 Sep 1998New players joins the fray
2 Sep 1998Matching the promise

August 1998

31 Aug 1998Weekly briefs
31 Aug 1998Rutherford Rede reckons master trusts are dead
30 Aug 1998Calan puts the crown on its trophy property
27 Aug 1998NZ Funds expands mandate
25 Aug 1998IIAA gives merger the tick
24 Aug 1998Family trusts - What every adviser should know
24 Aug 1998Weekly briefs
20 Aug 1998Australian unit trust tax changes
20 Aug 1998A welcome bombshell
19 Aug 1998ANZ Funds Management to expand distribtution
18 Aug 1998Size is everything
17 Aug 1998Better active managers look good
17 Aug 1998Code for Financial Advertising
17 Aug 1998Weekly briefs
17 Aug 1998Colonial to gobble up Pru
17 Aug 1998A bolt out of the Pru
13 Aug 1998American holidays derail IAFP meeting plans
12 Aug 1998No big boys please
12 Aug 1998Counting the cost of improved product disclosure
10 Aug 1998Opposition to merger mounts
10 Aug 1998Weekly briefs
10 Aug 1998Aussies prepared to help if required
7 Aug 1998Colonial charts new territory
6 Aug 1998Property fears
4 Aug 1998Day of reckoning dawns
3 Aug 1998Fund manager ranks thinning
3 Aug 1998Weekly briefs
3 Aug 1998Roger Gill goes

July 1998

30 Jul 1998AIA confirms its position on Quantum
30 Jul 1998BNZ helps the exodus
28 Jul 1998IRD goes stag hunting
28 Jul 1998National Bank to buy Countrywide
27 Jul 1998Kia-ora (again) Myles Baron-Hay
27 Jul 1998Weekly briefs
24 Jul 1998Tower Trust and TEA merge
23 Jul 1998Can active managers outperform the index?
23 Jul 1998Merger proposal hinges on CFP board
22 Jul 1998AMP widens the net
21 Jul 1998Pooled funds plug pulled
21 Jul 1998Advisers form lobby group
20 Jul 1998Weekly briefs
19 Jul 1998Canterbury rebels
17 Jul 1998A quantum step
for adviser-kind
15 Jul 1998NZ Dollar - Too Far, Too Fast?
15 Jul 1998Money Show may go
14 Jul 1998Tower retains Morgan Grenfell
13 Jul 1998Weekly briefs
11 Jul 1998Labour outlines its super policy
11 Jul 1998Can active managers outperform the index?
11 Jul 1998Labour outlines its super policy
9 Jul 1998ANZ pulled north
7 Jul 1998Growing the Savings Dollar
7 Jul 1998Govt reckons it's losing $20 mill a year
7 Jul 1998Two quantum technology leaps
7 Jul 1998NZIT scores an own goal
6 Jul 1998Weekly briefs
2 Jul 1998Colonial to chart new waters
1 Jul 1998Briggs sells up

June 1998

30 Jun 1998Financial planners go online
29 Jun 1998Trading Funds - An Alternative Asset Class
29 Jun 1998A blow for passive funds
28 Jun 1998Weekly briefs
25 Jun 1998Four in a row for Tower
24 Jun 1998The resurrection of insurance bonds
22 Jun 1998Weekly briefs
21 Jun 1998Jigsaw unfinished
21 Jun 1998First 10 minutes trading not normal
18 Jun 1998Govt told to get policies right for savings
17 Jun 1998The ISI's wake up cal w
17 Jun 1998Mediator zaps star wars
16 Jun 1998Darkness before dawn
14 Jun 1998Weekly briefs
12 Jun 1998Getting a grip on savings levels
11 Jun 1998Tax disincentives needed not tax incentives
10 Jun 1998Do not file New Zealand Superannuation just yet
10 Jun 1998Household savings rate far from impressive
9 Jun 1998Peters places retirement savings on the agenda
8 Jun 1998Weekly briefs
8 Jun 1998AMP shareholders do well
8 Jun 1998Au revoir MLC
8 Jun 1998AMP adviser defends himself
7 Jun 1998Tower's membership confirmed
4 Jun 1998Money Managers and Waltus in a stoush
3 Jun 1998Premiums not deductible
3 Jun 1998AMP shareholders ripped off
2 Jun 1998Making warrants for capital gains
2 Jun 1998South East Asia: A window of opportunity?
2 Jun 1998From small beginnings
2 Jun 1998Opening the door to electronic commerce
1 Jun 1998Bond run comes to an end

May 1998

28 May 1998Peace talks for star wars
28 May 1998Investors given greater protection
27 May 1998AMP advisers to distribute bank products
26 May 1998TEA closes funds
26 May 1998Equitilink privatisation plans
25 May 1998A user's guide to the AMP facility
25 May 1998Weekly briefs
24 May 1998Standards and Poors saddles up its ratings horse
24 May 1998Managers buy in to broking firm
21 May 1998Blast off for the stars
21 May 1998ISI expresses strong reservations over tax credit system
20 May 1998Free Investment Property Showcase Events: Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch
19 May 1998Starless ratings
18 May 1998Guardian Assurance looks to expand its range
18 May 1998Weekly briefs
18 May 1998Aon and Jacques Martin do a deal
14 May 1998IPAC at odds with ISI
14 May 1998Tax cuts unlikely to increase savings rate
13 May 1998Nat Mut/MLC merger canned
12 May 1998AMP listing sharemarket catalyst
11 May 1998Tax credit system plagued by deficiencies
11 May 1998Attribution analysis questioned
8 May 1998Too many stars
7 May 1998Colonial endorses new investment style
6 May 1998The Wright stuff
6 May 1998Here comes Tyndall
4 May 1998Super urgency
3 May 1998Weekly briefs
2 May 1998Property on track
1 May 1998Tax credits don’t add up

April 1998

30 Apr 1998NZ Funds go for value
29 Apr 1998Northplan buys Turner Financial Services
27 Apr 1998Unit trusts the winner
27 Apr 1998Sovereign buys Reeves Moses
26 Apr 1998Weekly briefs
24 Apr 1998Broadbase narrows
22 Apr 1998Good marriage advice
22 Apr 1998New funds management boss at BNZ
21 Apr 1998What's in a name?
19 Apr 1998Weekly briefs
16 Apr 1998Who do you believe?
15 Apr 1998Pru revisits trauma policies
15 Apr 1998EquitiLink launches fresh assault
13 Apr 1998Star wars
13 Apr 1998Weekly briefs
9 Apr 1998Funds fail to add value
9 Apr 1998Wright new IAFP chairman
7 Apr 1998Bye bye Jonesy
6 Apr 1998The balanced manager : A dinosaur?
5 Apr 1998The removal of the surcharge
5 Apr 1998Weekly briefs
5 Apr 1998Breaking the bonds
3 Apr 1998Property is the latest to join the index craze
2 Apr 1998Baron-Hay to head up BT
2 Apr 1998Aussies snap up Kiwi Income managers
1 Apr 1998ANZFM rolls in big guns

March 1998

31 Mar 1998IAFP chairman and three others resign
30 Mar 1998Weekly briefs
27 Mar 1998IPAC launches star ratings
26 Mar 1998The bad news, the good news and the question mark?
26 Mar 1998Sovereign shares $2.25 each
25 Mar 1998IPAC makes declaration
24 Mar 1998Now there are three research houses
23 Mar 1998Weekly briefs
23 Mar 1998Advisers told to get rid of baddies
18 Mar 1998InvestmentLink gets major boost
17 Mar 1998Paying off debt a priority
17 Mar 1998Tax credit scheme coming
15 Mar 1998Weekly briefs
15 Mar 1998Trident launches research package
15 Mar 1998WestpacTrust on the turn
13 Mar 1998Expansion by growth - literally
13 Mar 1998Consumer slams advisers
11 Mar 1998NZRPT survives wind-up threat
10 Mar 1998Nat Mut takes over MLC
9 Mar 1998The big one is still to come
8 Mar 1998Royal and Sun Alliance nabs Norwich
6 Mar 1998Kleinwort trust to be liquidated
4 Mar 1998Local boys do good
3 Mar 1998Sovereign pushes listing button - finally
1 Mar 1998Weekly briefs

February 1998

25 Feb 1998Few active managers really add value
25 Feb 1998Tower's AGM bit of a damp squib
24 Feb 1998The lights are out, but the candle still burns
23 Feb 1998Weekly briefs
19 Feb 1998Regulation on the cards
18 Feb 1998Ergo exits
17 Feb 1998Is asset allocation a hoax?
17 Feb 1998More pieces to the puzzle found
16 Feb 1998Weekly briefs
12 Feb 1998Cash is hot. Equities are not
12 Feb 1998Retirement is more than money
12 Feb 1998Spicers makes the change
12 Feb 1998Institute shoots at sharks
11 Feb 1998NZRPT meeting adjourned
10 Feb 1998AJ throws down the gauntlet
10 Feb 1998AJ wins award
5 Feb 1998Tree trust toppled
4 Feb 1998Fisher to establish own funds
2 Feb 1998Weekly briefs
2 Feb 1998Forest trust gets the chop

January 1998

30 Jan 1998Merger talks on again
29 Jan 1998Sovereign anticipates March listing
27 Jan 1998Weekly briefs
27 Jan 1998Trust's structure flawed
25 Jan 1998Whitten leaves Prudential
21 Jan 1998Financial Fitness goes north
21 Jan 1998Nat Mutual and MLC say I do
20 Jan 1998IAFP and ICFP look to future
16 Jan 1998Weekly briefs
16 Jan 1998Don't do it
13 Jan 1998An investment to mull over
13 Jan 1998Top trust under wind-up threat
12 Jan 1998Tower Trust signs up
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