Crossword #1 - Printable version
Be in to win a bottle of champagne by completing the following crossword and sending the answers back to Good Returns. (This version of the crossword is printable!)
Thursday, March 2nd 2000, 12:00AM

The deadline for entries has been extended from March 5 to March 12.
2 and 16. He might be bent on retirement, but his high profile UK namesakes are breeding at a late age
4. IMI International did this to some silly people
5. Colonial acquisition
7. Investors in this market were down the canal last year. Click here for a clue
10. It's not an association of war veterans (but it does offer superannuation)
12. Careless with drinks and Financial Planner of the Year
13. Mom and Pop lit on this one
15. Best performing sharemarket in 1999. Click here for a clue
16. See 2 Down
3.The hare's still chasing it across the Tasman (6, 4)
6. You go to his office for a beating
8 and 17. Encapture vital investment vehicle (anag)
9 and 13. This loyal deputy is near accord round central bank statements
11. Hundredz and thousandz of Kiwis are happy to sit this one out
13. See 9 Across
14. Strong current financial institution
17. See 8 Across
18. Does anyone know what one is yet?
19. It's what we all want (4, 7)
BE IN TO WIN! To win a bottle of Daniel Le Brun champagne all you need to do is send the correct answers back to Good Returns by March 12. Print out the crossword, fill in the answers and fax them to Good Returns (07) 3453436 Don't forget to tell us Your NAME: ....................................................................... PHONE: (.....)............ EMAIL ADDRESS: ................................................. |
If there is more than one winner all correct solutions, which are received on time, will go into the draw for the prize.
This competition is only open to people resident in New Zealand.
The editor's decision is final. No correspondence will be entered into.
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