About Financial-Link
Financial Link a one stop ordering point for financial planners, advisors, accountants and solicitors which would enable them to obtain a number of investment statements, prospectuses and similar products from a wide range of organisations.
Sunday, April 9th 2000, 12:00AM

The Freightways companies form an integrated group of service companies with all having one stated aim in common, that of providing accurate, fast, reliable, time sensitive business solutions.
Other Freightways companies include:
- New Zealand Couriers
- Post Haste
- Castle Parcels
- New Zealand Document Exchange
- Sub 60
With the above in mind Stocklink has developed Financial Link a one stop ordering point for Financial Planners, Advisors, Accountants and Solicitors which would enable them to obtain a number of Investment Statements, Prospectuses and similar products from a wide range of organisations.
This service is free to use and with the development of our web-site (www.financial-link.co.nz) it is now easier and faster. You now have access to over 90 products from leading companies such as BT Funds Management, WestpacTrust and Sovereign Assurance.
Prize Draw
Register and order product from Financial Link before April 30 and be in to win a case of wine.
We also welcome comments and recommendations regarding our site, products listed and companies participating. Please contact David Lloyd at dlloyd@stocklink.co.nz or 09 2590854.
The existing companies already using this service and Stocklink Distribution Limited know that Financial Link will be successful for all parties involved. Soon excessive time spent ordering material from different companies will be a hazy memory, like last year's Rugby World Cup!
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