ASSET December
The December issue of ASSET magazine is packed with in-depth coverage of all the big financial planning issues.
Tuesday, December 7th 2004, 9:05PM

A new breed of financial planner is quietly making its mark on the industry. They are young, highly educated and see financial planning as their vocation in life.
This month ASSET profiles the two young guns who came out on top in this year’s Young Financial Planner of the Year Awards.
Currently the financial services industry is being buffeted by some of the biggest issues ever.
This month's copy of ASSET magazine tackles these issues and provides you with an unrivalled depth of coverage. In this bumper end-of-year issue we tell you:
- What the Stobo tax report means for investors and advisers
- We profile the chairman of the Task Force on Adviser Regulation - Michael Webb.
PLUS our regular columnists cover a wide range of issues:
- DONAL CURTIN asks where do Alternative Investments fit into portfolios
- RUSSELL HUTCHISON looks at issues advisers have to deal with when selling their businesses
- JENNY RUTH finds out what stocks fund managers having been buying and selling - and why they have made these decisions.
- Plus there is plenty more essential reading including marketing tips, another view on Business Insurance, our regular crossword and the best new books.
To order your copy of ASSET either call tollfree 0800-345675 or visit the Good Returns bookstore and buy it online. Click here today.
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