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Tower enhances its 360 product

Tower is now offering policyholders the option of buying back 100% of the value of their trauma insurance after they have made a full trauma claim.

Thursday, November 16th 2006, 6:47AM
"Because lightning can strike twice" is the primary driver behind new product Tower Health and Life chief executive Steve Boomert says.

Prior to this new option, if a customer made a trauma claim, they would no longer have trauma cover should a separate condition arise in the future.

It is one of a number of enhancements Tower has introduced to its Life 360 product insurance range.

Tower's trauma product has been further enhanced with the addition of an Advance Payment for Cancer Option, which pays a lump sum when early stages of some specified cancers are diagnosed.

"Tower recognises that experiencing a trauma condition is not necessarily a once in a lifetime event. Many trauma conditions such as cancer and heart attacks are becoming more survivable so the chances of a customer experiencing a second trauma condition are increasing.

"We believe there will be an increasing consumer trend towards buying 'living' insurances such as these trauma covers, which customers are more likely to access during their lifetimes. This, combined with life expectancy continuing to increase across our society, will provide significant potential in the market for offering 'living' insurances," Boomert said.

A new comprehensive Mortgage Repayment Cover has also been introduced. In recognising that home ownership is often the first life event that triggers the need for life and disability insurance, Mortgage Repayment Cover has been tailored specifically for that event.

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