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ASSET - Beyond Bridgecorp

Financial advisers have copped a lot of blame for the failure of Bridgecorp. In the cover story of ASSET this month, editor David Chaplin discovers why the group collapsed and how advisers and the finance company industry will change in the aftermath.

Thursday, August 16th 2007, 12:56PM
Also in this month's issue David takes a strong line on the Bridgecorp collapse and advisers in his editorial. His comments raise some useful questions which need to be answered.

There are several features in ASSET Magazine this month, including the ability for advisers to earn CPD credits. To do this all you have to do is read several selected articles and then answer a set of questions online at

Other features this month include:

  • Insurance: Where mortgage brokers find a new lease of life.
    What do you do when your income is cut by a third? David Chaplin reports on an ever-increasing number of mortgage brokers starting to sell insurance.
  • KiwiSaver: AussieSaver scheme an industry first
    The launch of eosaver last month met with very little fanfare, but its Australian backers are confident the scheme could push the KiwiSaver market in a new direction.
Practice Management
ASSET has a strong practice management section with articles designed to help advisers grow their businesses.

This month we have: Leeches and how to deal with them. Some employees will try to suck your business dry, according to Mike Moore. He explains how to identify and eradicate these dangerous pests.

Does your bottom line look big in this? Stephen Prendeville, partner in Australian financial planning brokerage and valuer Kenyon Prendeville shares his market wisdom on valuing an advisory business. He says it's a seller's market at the moment.

ASSET brings you some great columnists each month. PPA chief executive always has interesting ideas for advisers, economist Donal Curtin puts the mundane economic matters into words everyone understands, Jenny Ruth looks at the sharemarket through the eyes of fund managers and Russell Hutchinson provides an insight into issues impacting on advisers' businesses.

  • Professional Adviser's Association: Something new under the sun
    PAA chief, Dr Dave McMillan, investigates the lack of creativity in the life industry and injects a few fresh ideas into the debate.
  • Hutchinson: How do they aggregate thee?
    Whenever two or three advisers are gathered together they're probably about to launch an aggregator group. Russell Hutchinson investigates the growing phenomenon of aggregation.
  • Markets: Hold-outs win the day
    Jenny Ruth finds the market players in ebullient form as a number of 'make or break' deals are on the table.
  • Economy: When bad things happen to good people
    Donal Curtin puts the recent failure of several investment funds into perspective.

Our book reviews this month are KiwiSaver by Mary Holm, Money, Money, Money, ain't it funny by Sheryl Sutherland and Retire RIGHT by Joy Scandlyn.

ASSET contains the latest fund performance data from FundSource and this month we have tweaked the performance numbers for the alternative assets - these are many of the popular funds which aren't included in the research house's tables. The new look data allows better comparison of products.

To get your own copy of ASSET, either call Amy on 0800-345675, or you can subscribe online here.
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