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Sovereign paying for advisers to study

Sovereign is paying for its key advisers to return to study, so they can get to grips with new regulations covering the insurance industry.

Wednesday, April 21st 2010, 9:00PM 3 Comments


It announced today at the SovNet conference in Auckland that it would pay for the advisers in its network to study towards a National Certificate in Financial Services, which is required to be an authorised financial adviser, at a cost of about $1500 each.

Advisers will be supported in their studies by Sovereign's team of business development managers.

Sovereign chief executive Charles Anderson says it is critical that its advisers, as well as its staff, not only meet the new industry standards but exceed them.

"The regulation framework being introduced creates a huge challenge but will allow us to set new benchmarks in the industry.

"We are investing heavily in education to ensure that everyone who works with and for Sovereign, shares the vision and has the tools to succeed in the new environment. This will have significant benefits for the company, the advisers and - most importantly - our clients."

He says regulation is a good thing as it gives customers more confidence in suppliers.

"Anything supportive of the consumer we shouldn't be afraid of."

Sovereign told the advisers at the conference that navigating the regulatory changes required them to be well-equipped, dedicated and flexible.

The new training opportunity will be a partnership between Sovereign and the Open Polytechnic, which will enable the advisers to study flexibly, according to a schedule that suits them.

The course will be taught in a tailored mix of individual and group learning.

Ongoing training requirements will continue to be delivered through SovNet's business development group meetings.


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Comments from our readers

On 22 April 2010 at 4:58 pm Brian Greer said:
An excellent initiative by Soveriegn, I wonder though under the regulatory environment whether SOVNET Advisers will in fact be able to use the all important 'Independant' tag given their requirement to remit 85% of their business to Sovereign.
There is no such thing as a free lunch (in my opinion) everything comes at a price, in this instance maybe the price is your independance....
On 23 April 2010 at 8:46 am Murray Weatherston said:
Anyone who has to give 85% of their business will certainly not be able to call themselves independent.
Then again probably 95% of financial advisers in total will not be able to call ourselves independent either as we will fail one or more of the limbs of "independence".
On 24 April 2010 at 6:27 pm Steve Marsden said:
Good on you Sovereign. Its interesting the amount of advisers that keep going on about 'independence' in my opinion no one is independent and according to a couple of recent articles, if your getting commission from any source OTHER than the client, then you can't call yourself independent. Infact recently a major adviser group encouraged their advisers to remove the word independent from their disclosure statements. So if you can figure out the 'independence' saga then please let me know.
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