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Waikato Uni takes new path after course cancelled

The University of Waikato is embarking on a new strategy for its Postgraduate Diploma in Personal Financial Planning (PFP) next year by looking to work in partnership with financial corporations after its course was cancelled earlier this year.

Tuesday, September 14th 2010, 7:08AM

by Jenha White

The Diploma was cancelled because of the government's university capping restrictions which meant Waikato Management School had to re-direct financial advisers to other courses.

The Draft Code states the Diploma is an alternative qualification for the Unit Standard Sets A and D in the National Certificate in Financial Services (NCFS-5) which advisers are required to pass to become authorised.

University of Waikato associate dean of enterprise, corporate and executive education Peter Sun says the new strategic plan is to have partnerships with corporations because then a long-term contract is embarked upon and numbers for the Diploma in PFP are guaranteed.

In previous years Waikato has run the course publicly even if it did not have the required numbers, sometimes running at a loss.

To avoid the capping issue that crippled the diploma this year, the management school will give the University target numbers in October so places are reserved for the course next year.

Sun says the benefit of working with corporations is that the programme can be contextualised to meet the specific needs of companies while still meeting academic requirements.

He says partnerships would be effective for corporations wanting to motivate their staff to increase competency and skills.

"We also like to have strong links with corporations because they are very important for a business school.

"It is great to see how the material we teach can be applied in practice - learning both ways is very important."

Sun says while public programmes have not been scheduled for the Diploma in PFP next year, the University will reconsider if there is growing interest, it needs at least 18 students otherwise it is not profitable.


Jenha is a TPL staff reporter.

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