In these uncertain times
This isn't quite news, but we enjoyed it and wanted to share it with you. It's a little creative piece from a Christchurch adviser.
Monday, May 2nd 2011, 11:33AM
In these uncertain times
In these uncertain times
when death can be as random as riding on a bus
going to town to shop
lunching at a restaurant
insure when you can.
In these uncertain times
when your life partner you hold
when the quake bell is tolled
can be whisked away
as if it's a dream
insure when you can.
In these uncertain times
when the cost of death mounts by commitments already made
til death do you par
for better or worse
insure where you can.
In these uncertain times
to remain positive about now
to look forward to the future
to your children and to each other
when death can be as random as going to work
meeting a friend.
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In the scope of what happened in Christchurch, think what has happened world wide, very minor. You blink at Sept 11th, Tsunami etc etc. But we have to feel the sorrow for the slain few in Christchurch. I wasn't effected by the local earthquake but was with hoo 4 me. Life goes on.Harsh as I sound let not mope and get on with it, that is what life is for. Good luck all.