News Round Up: January 16
Adviser tips for 2012; Fund administrator forms alliance with NAB.
Monday, January 16th 2012, 5:39AM
Zurich Financial Services has outlined a number of ways advisers' can hit the ground running in 2012.
The insurer's latest Risk Pulse publication includes a numbers of tips from head of marketing, retail risk, Richard Dunkerely, who argues that maximising revenue and acting in the clients best interests don't have to be mutually exclusive.
Among the tips Dunkerely suggests promoting level premium cover, arguing that avoiding age based premium increases helps client retention.
He also recommends suggesting child cover to clients when appropriate and reviewing clients who change address, noting a new address can often mean a change in personal or financial circumstances.
NAB in strategic alliance with NZ’s MMc
National Australia Bank’s Asset Servicing business is forming a strategic alliance with MMc Limited in New Zealand.
MMc is a specialist funds and investment administration business which has been offering services to New Zealand based investment managers and investment product providers since 2004.
The strategic alliance allows Asset Servicing to offer fund administration services in the New Zealand market to complement its existing custody service offering. Asset Servicing has an existing presence in the New Zealand market through its National Nominees office in Auckland, and work closely with Bank of New Zealand to deliver a complete custody and banking offering to financial institutions clients.
“The MMc alliance allows us to support our Australian clients with New Zealand operations as well as grow an additional base of clients in the New Zealand market. The New Zealand clients will benefit from this specialist custody offering, as well as the broader banking requirements that BNZ are able to offer," Asset Servicing General Manager Capability Delivery Carl Spurling says.
In 2011, MMc provided outsourced investment services to 26 clients for funds under management of $6.4 billion. This includes providing full unit pricing and financial accounting services for more than 180 investment funds with a mixture of daily, weekly and monthly unit pricing and NZ IFRS compliant financial statements.
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