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Another research option for advisers

Insurance advisers can now access client-specific product research ratings from price comparison website QuoteMonster.

Friday, May 11th 2012, 8:23AM 6 Comments

by Benn Bathgate


The key point for the research offering - and its point of difference with rival offerings from the likes of Strategi and Risk Research - is that it uses client specific data to rate the most appropriate policy for the particular client.

“Research integrated with quoting means each rating is personalised to the client being quoted,” said Quality Product Research’s Russell Hutchinson, who helped design the rating system.

“It’s fairer because products don’t get rated on options the client isn’t buying or could never claim on. We think that’s an important step in meeting the compliance requirements for a personalised advice service.”

Hutchinson says the system takes client-specific details such as age, gender, occupation then alongside details of the type of cover being sought ascertains exactly the best product for that client.

“The products vary a lot and how they rate varies quite a lot depending on these [client specific] factors, so instead of rating a product what we do is rate the consideration of that product for the person.”

The product research included putting 2,288 different policy wordings through a readability test - a process that uncovered a 54-word sentence in one policy document.

Hutchinson said the system was also extremely user-friendly, as you can access a product rating from the same data that is inputted for a price quote.

While price comparison services are free on the site research ratings cost $5 for a one-off report or $95 for a monthly subscription.

“It’s a deliberate strategy to make research much easier to access and build into your sales process for around 1,500 financial advisers offering insurance who do not use any third-party research at present,” Hutchinson said.

Benn Bathgate is a business reporter for ASSET and Good Returns, email story ideas to

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Comments from our readers

On 11 May 2012 at 9:21 am Andrew Logan said:
At the risk of sounding like a gratuitous plug for our product range, I'm compelled to correct the first statement about rival offerings not offering client centric Research Tools. IRESS's Risk Research tool integrates with client specific data for each Quote and Research Report and has dynamic scoring built into the system which recalculates both quantitative and qualitative results for each client based on the product features being quoted. It also includes adviser weighting profiles, a life risk calculator (based on actual NZ Hospital admissions, not just claims stats), quality of service scores for each Insurer set by the adviser, as well as a Requirements filter allowing advisers to quickly filter out the products that do not meet the client’s personal requirements.
Andrew Logan
NZ Manager
On 11 May 2012 at 11:44 am Louie Dimovski said:
Just for the sake of accuracy...the IRESS Risk Researcher system also adopts the approach of not rating product options that the client isn’t buying or could never claim on. This has been in place for the past 18 months.
On 11 May 2012 at 12:12 pm tony said:
hi, given the claims where do we find this software
On 11 May 2012 at 1:50 pm tony said:
Had a look already and quite impressed as a straight out quoting tool.Have to say though that given all of the other bits that the likes of strategy also provide they both have there place.
On 11 May 2012 at 9:28 pm Sales Manager said:
Sign up and you will get a call from Allied Kiwi trying recruit you to have them as your aggregator on the guise of getting you to sign up for there CRM.

Quote Monster is a "loss leader".
On 17 May 2012 at 7:19 pm Michael Lay said:
I like it.It may have its flaws but then they all do. It pretty much does what it sets out to do and it helps make my life easier.
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